Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Oct. 26/2022


5 Facts about Ravens
Stephanie Nixon

These black-feathered birds have always attracted people by their beauty, intelligence & unconventional behavior. Read on to find out 5 surprising facts about ravens.

#1 They're empathetic to each other.
Besides being quite naughty to other species, ravens don't hesitate to show concern for each other. They can make friends & remember the bird which was good to them for at least 3 years. When a raven's friend gets in trouble or loses a fight, they console & cheer up their unhappy pal.

#2 They live long.
In the wild, ravens can live up to be 20 years old, & in captivity they can get as old as 40 years.

#3 Ravens are highly adaptable.
They feel comfortable in various habitats: forests, deserts, mountains & snowy regions. Ravens are omnivorous & can eat fish, meat, insects (including dead organisms) & even garbage.

#4 They steal food to survive.
Ravens see nothing wrong with stealing food from other animals, moreover, they work together like professionals! While one raven is distracting the target, the other snatches everything they need.

#5 They can imitate all kinds of sounds & noises.

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