Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Aug. 30/2017

Why Every Library Needs a Cat

     “The director of the public library in Thorntown, Ind., extended a job offer this week to a stray ginger tabby cat named Chance. He is to replace Tober, a much loved library cat who died last fall after 7 loyal years of service in the stacks...
     Cats generally don’t discriminate & neither do libraries. In fact, libraries are among the most democratic institutions out there: they don’t turn anyone away...I’ve interviewed several librarians who have feline co-workers, & they told me cats instantly make a library feel more welcoming, encouraging repeat visits while providing relief to overburdened staffers.
     Cats & libraries have a long & storied history that dates back to ancient Egypt, when the animals were employed to keep rodents away from the papyrus scrolls in temples & libraries. In the 19th century, the British government actually paid librarians to keep a cat or 2 on hand. The glue used to bind books has always been a kind of mouse candy, & shelling out for cat food is cheaper than hiring a human exterminator or replacing books.
     ...Most librarians I’ve talked to said their cats were strays or came from shelters, & that has inspired some patrons & staff to adopt a homeless pet of their own...”

Lisa Rogan
From the Washington Post
Montreal Gazette
July 2/2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Aug. 23/2017

Drug Dog Helps Nab Nearly 100 Kilos of Cocaine at Border

“A 4-legged member of the Canada Border Services Agency has helped make one of the largest drug seizures ever at the Thousand Islands bridge crossing, 50 km. east of Kingston, Ontario, Detector dog Shaggy sniffed out nearly 100 kg of cocaine in a trailer...The 4 ‘undeclared’ items were found by the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever after border agents referred the tractor-trailer’s driver to a secondary inspection of his commercial vehicle...The drugs were found among the truck’s load of paper...”

in Montreal Gazette
Oct. 12/2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16/2017

...Fascinating Facts About Rabbits

“...1. Rabbits are not the same species as hares, which... are larger & less social.

2. Rabbits, hares & pikas... belong to the order of lagomorphs. They were classified as rodents until 1912.

3. ...a doe is a rabbit, a female rabbit. Also, just like deer, a male rabbit is called a buck.

4. ...the animal rabbits are most similar to... horses...'They have similar eyes, teeth, & ears... as well as a similar diet & behavior…’

5. Rabbits are born blind & spend their first few days in a nest lined with grass & their mothers’ fur...

6. Rabbits... are pregnant for 30 days & may have a litter of 4 to 12 babies, called kits (short for kittens). They can start reproducing as young as 4 months...

7. ...Rabbits that have been sterilized can live 10 to 12 years...

8. ...A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing...

9. Like cats, rabbits can be trained to use a litter box.

10. ...rabbits will groom themselves, as well as any rabbit they’re bonded with, as often as 5 times a day.

11. Bunnies don’t have the ability to vomit...They also can’t cough up hairballs after all that grooming, so it’s important to regularly brush their coats to prevent shedding.

12. Rabbits eat their poop...They need to digest some of their food twice, so they eat their soft 'cecotropes' (nutrient-packed droppings). What’s commonly known as 'rabbit pellets' are what comes out after their second round of digestion.

13. Happy rabbits will do what’s called a 'binky'. They’ll jump in the air & spin around...

14. Happy rabbits will also “purr,” making a chattering noise with their teeth.

15. Rabbits are crepuscular...they’re the most active in the early morning & early evening...

16. Rabbits need about 4 hours of exercise & playtime a day to keep them happy & help prevent osteoporosis.

17. ... real rabbit ears do serve as a kind of antenna. They can pick up sounds from every direction & are capable of hearing from 2 directions at the same time.

18. In the wild, rabbits live in burrows called warrens. One warren in Europe had 450 rabbits & 2000 entrances, according to the RSPCA.

19. After cats & dogs, rabbits are the third most popular pet in the United States...”

Laura Goldman
April 15/2017

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 9/2017

Meet 5 of the World’s Tiniest & Most Amazing Creatures

“...Bumblebee Bat
...This tiny creature weighs less than 2 grams...meaning less than the weight of a dime.
Bumblebee bats are between 1.1 & 1.3 inches long, they have no tail, & they have a wingspan of approximately 6.7 inches.
However, you’re not likely to meet one of these tiny creatures unless you live in Thailand or Myanmar, where they roost in limestone caves. Here they are most active at dusk when they fly around teak trees & clumps of bamboo seeking insects for dinner...

Ili pika
For more than 20 years, the Ili pika, a type of tiny, mountain-dwelling creature with a teddy bear face, eluded scientists in the Tianshan Mountains of northwestern China. But last summer, scientists were thrilled to catch a glimpse of the elusive mammal...
people have seen only 29 live Ili pikas, so little is known about them, only that they are about 8 inches long, with large ears & several small brown spots on their gray fur...

Mouse Lemur
...'They’re fast, fierce, & feisty,” says Chris Smith, education specialist at the Duke Lemur Center in Durham, North Carolina, which is home to 55 mouse lemurs.
According to Smith, Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur is the tiniest of the 17 mouse lemur species. It weights just about 1 oz. & is considered to be the world’s smallest primate.
Along with all other lemurs, mouse lemurs inhabit the island of Madagascar off the east coast of Africa. These tiny animals live in female-dominated groups of up to 15 animals, & are highly skilled at leaping from branch to branch & from tree to tree. They sleep in those trees by day, but at night they are out searching for insects, fruit, flowers, & other plants.

Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly
The Western pygmy blue is definitely the smallest known butterfly in North America...with a wingspan of just half an inch.
It is unmistakable with brown dorsal wings that become blue closer to their bodies. It can be seen all year long but is most often spotted in early July through September during the warm weather season...
Its common habitat is the western U.S. but it has also been spotted in the southern U.S. in coastal areas, & as far south as Venezuela. And it was introduced to Hawaii around 1979...

American Miniature Horse
These horses are of course bred to be small, originally for European nobility in the 17th century. They are...tiny versions of full-size horses...
Nowadays these mini-horses are often used as guides & therapy animals for people. That’s because they are friendly, docile creatures & interact well with humans. Some people even keep them as family pets...”

Judy M.
April 8/2017

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Weekly Chuckle

Thursday, August 3, 2017

August 2/2017

Thailand’s Chunky Monkey Placed on a Diet

   “A morbidly obese wild monkey who gorged himself on junk food & soda left behind by tourists has been rescued & placed on a strict diet of lean protein, fruits, & vegetables.
   Wildlife officials caught the chunky monkey- nicknamed ‘Uncle Fat’ by locals- after photos of the animal started circulating on social media.
   Wild monkeys roam free in many parts of Thailand, attracting tourists who feed the animals. Most are macaques like Uncle Fat, & weigh around 9 kg (20 lbs.). Uncle Fat weighs 3 times that, tipping the scales at around 26 kg (60 lbs.)
   ‘He had minions & other monkeys bringing food for him but would also re-distribute it to younger monkeys,’ said veterinarian Supakarn Kaewchot.”

The Associated Press
in The Gazette, Montreal
May 20/2017
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Weekly Chuckle

Tammy Too (Aug. 5/1995)
There are no words to express how much you meant to me. I love you so much & miss you with all my heart. RIP Tam