Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Oct. 5/2022


We Collected Animal Trivia Questions That Are Fun To Know Part 2

"#51 Which undersea creatures are known for making electricity?

Answer: Electric eels, electric rays, & electric catfish

#52 Do flying fish really fly?

No, they glide

#53 Which large mammal has a tail so strong it can stand on it & lift its hind legs off the ground?

Answer: Kangaroo

#54 What is a group of badgers called?

Answer: A cete 

#55 Why are flamingos pink?

Answer: Their diet is rich in algae, shrimp, & crustaceans.

#56 How many flowers do honey bees have to visit to produce 1 pound of honey?

Answer: 2 million

#57 Which animal is known for spending 90% of its day sleeping?

Answer: Koala bear

#58 How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?

Answer: 22 months

#59 How many types of calls do gorillas have?


#60 How long does it take a baby orangutan to wean in the wild?

Answer: Up to 8 years

#61 Where do sea otters store extra food on their bodies?

Answer: A pocket of skin in their armpits

#62 What type of fish mate for life?

Answer: Butterflyfish

#63 What are the only 2 mammals that lay eggs?

Answer: Duck-billed platypus & spiny anteater

#64 Which animal has rectangular pupils?

Answer: Goat

#65 Which sea creature can be broken into 5 pieces & still survive?

Answer: Starfish

#66 How do honeybees communicate to one another that they’ve found the best pollen?

Answer: By dancing

#67 Lemurs are only native to which country?

Answer: Madagascar

#68 Which animal’s poop is known to take the shape of cubes?

Answer: Wombat

#69 A newborn kangaroo is about the size of a…?

Answer: Lima bean

#70 What mammal has the most powerful bite?

Answer: Hippopotamus

#71 How many teeth can a crocodile have over its lifetime?

Answer: Up to 4,000

#72 Which sea creature can change its gender?

Answer: Oyster

#73 Where on the body are a crab’s taste buds?

Answer: Its feet

#74 Which animal baby can gain up to 250 pounds per day?

Answer: Blue whale

#75 What is a male swan called?

Answer: Cob

#76 What is a female donkey called?

Answer: Jenny

#77 How many heart chambers does a cockroach have?

Answer: 13

#78 Which animal in a pride does the majority of the hunting?

Answer: The lioness

#79 What do you call the underside of a horse’s hoof?

Answer: A frog

#80 How far can a skunk's spray reach?

Answer: 10 feet

#81 Which animal does the nickname 'sea cow' belong to?

Answer: Manatee

#82 Which whale has a tusk?

Answer: Narwhal

#83 What is a baby shark called?

Answer: Pup

#84 Which sea creatures are known to hold a natural pearl?

Answer: Oysters

#85 Which birds are known to be the only birds that can fly backward?

Answer: Hummingbirds

#86 What percent of the methane in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by cows?

Answer: 40%

#87 Which animal species are known to have the largest eyes in the world?

Answer: Colossal Squid

#88 How many legs does a lobster have?

Answer: 10

#89 Belted Galloway & Belgian Blue are breeds of which animal?

Answer: Cow

#90 How many species of sea urchin are there?

Answer: 950

#91 What is thought to be the oldest breed of dog?

Answer: Basenji

#92 Which aquatic animal is the most poisonous in the world?

Answer: Pufferfish

#93 How much do baby pandas weigh when they're born?

Answer: 90-130g

#94 What are male honey bees called?

Answer: Drones

#95 How long does it take a hen to produce an egg?

Answer: 24-26 hours

#96 What is the only mammal capable of true flight?

Answer: Bats

#97 People from which country brought domestic cats to the United States?

Answer: England

#98 What does a male penguin often gift its female counterpart to win her over?

Answer: A pebble

#99 What are a rhino's horns made out of?

Answer: Hair

#100 What kind of animal uses its skin to breathe?

Answer: The frog

#101 What animal produces mohair?

Answer: Angora goat

#102 What is the fastest sea animal?

Answer: Sailfish

#103 What is a group of camels called?

Answer: A caravan

#104 Which aquatic mammal has the most extended lifespan?

Answer: Bowhead whale

#105 What animal lays the largest egg?

Answer: Ostrich..."
Eligijus Sinkunas & Marisha Kazaryan

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