Friday, January 7, 2022

Jan. 5/2022


6 unbelievable facts about crows

"Crows have a bad reputation & are often associated with bad omen. However, these birds are very clever & their natural ingenuity is really striking...

These birds are often underestimated. They can recognize people's faces & understand traffic lights. Some species make & modify hooks to extract insects...

#1 Crows are very creative
They easily adopt new feeding strategies, create, & use different tools to get food. Crows can even make a nest out of wire hangers! These birds show great adaptability to make their life more comfortable.

#2 Crows have regional dialects
They can make about 20 calls! These calls have distinctions in different flocks.

#3 Young crows help to raise newborn
Crows are very social birds. They live in small family groups or in pairs. Young birds protect the nest from predators & feed their parents or newborn siblings.

#4 Crows understand traffic lights
This fact is really amazing. Crows use cars to crack nuts. Birds learned the way the traffic light works & throw nuts on the road. When a traffic light changes to red they fly down to take their favorite food.

#5 They recognize faces
There were several experiments that prove crows can remember people's faces. If a person was hostile they can identify him or her even 5 years later!

#6 Crows are family-oriented birds
They mate once for life & seem to be quite caring. Usually a crow stays with its family for a while & the rest of the day they spend with a flock with other individuals. In case of danger crows transmit information to the members of their family to warn them."

Cute Critter Pics: 

Weekly Chuckle: 
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