Sunday, January 2, 2022

Dec. 29/2021


Here Are 9 Exotic Pets That Are Actually Legal To Own

"...While there are plenty of amazing animals that we're not legally allowed to own, there are almost as many awesome exotics that are legal in certain areas. So if you're thinking of adopting a more unusual pet, check your local laws about what pets you can own...we've put together a list of amazing exotic animals that you might just want to bring home.

However, a word of caution.

While you may feel very comfortable taking care of traditional pets, know that exotic animals are (literally) a different breed. You'll need to follow any & all instructions from your vet & other experts, so that your new friend leads a happy & healthy life. But if you're ready to take on the challenge, then there's a huge variety of exotic pets that you could bring into your life.

1. Fennec Fox


...Fennec foxes are the smallest breed of fox, & their giant ears just take the cuteness level over the edge. They have the playful energy of a dog & the independent streak of a cat, so they can make wonderful pets. These total heart-melters are surprisingly legal in all states except Missouri, Nevada, Minnesota, & Washington.

2. Capybara

This cute little ball of fluff is actually a rodent; the largest breed of rodent in the world. They're adorable & sweet, but these guys can grow to be 140 pounds, so they can be a challenging pet. They need to have access to water to swim, & they prefer to live in groups, so you'll want to consider carefully before adopting these blunt-nosed rodents. Capybaras are legal to own in Texas & Pennsylvania, & some other states will allow them if you have a license.

3. Wallaby

...Wallabies are commonly seen in the wilds of Australia, but actually, they're a pet you can own in certain areas of the U.S. These animals need a TON of space to roam, so you should only consider them if you live on a sizable amount of land. While many states forbid wallabies as pets, a large number allow them as well, although they are often not allowed inside city limits...

4. Hedgehog

If you're looking for a smaller pet, but still something a little out of the ordinary, why not a hedgehog? These spiky little balls of cuteness require similar care as a hamster or guinea pig — a clean cage, clean water, regular feedings, etc. But unlike other, fuzzier rodents, hedgehogs are prickly & you can get poked. And the best news is that hedgehogs are legal in most states, except Pennsylvania, Hawaii, California, Georgia, Arizona, & Maine. And even in those states, you might be able to get a permit that makes owning one okay.

5. Monitor Lizards

Monitor lizards a are a type of large lizard that range from 2-3 feet in length to 7-8 feet. These impressive animals are highly intelligent, & they can make great pets for people who are prepared to learn about them. Some species are easier to tame & live with than others, so you'll want to do your research. Monitor lizards are legal to own as pets in most states, although many require a permit.

6. Ostrich

Frequently, those who own ostriches are raising them as alternative livestock for meat. Ostriches are massive birds who need a ton of space, so they'd make very complicated pets to own. However, they are beautiful birds to look at. These animals can grow to 8 feet tall & 350 pounds, so make sure you're prepared to care for such a massive animal. Ostriches are legal in Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Tennessee, & Wyoming.

7. Pythons

If you're looking for a massive reptile friend, pythons are a very popular choice. These large snakes are beautiful & impressive, if you're not too scared of them. Ball pythons are one of the smaller python breeds, & even they grow to 3-5 feet. Pythons need large cages with warming lights to keep these cold-blooded creatures cozy. Pythons are banned in some states, but allowed in many others...

8. Serval

...One popular type of wild cat is the serval, which is quite a bit larger than a house cat.

Male servals can grow to 2 feet tall & weigh 40 pounds. These cats are not aggressive, but they're still wild, so they must be approached differently than a house cat. They'll need lots of outdoor space & great spots to climb. About half of the states in the U.S. allow servals, but the other half don't, so check your local regulations to see if these cats are legal in your area.

9. Skunk

...Domesticated skunks have their scent glands removed when they're babies, so they don't produce the horrible scent that defines these creatures. And because they don't grow up 'attacking' with their scent, they're typically more docile & friendly. If you're interested in a pet skunk, 17 states across the U.S. allow them as pets."

Sarah Jeanne Terry

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