Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oct. 23/2019


Pugs Can Be ‘Busy Little Lunatics

   “It’s the pug’s world & we’re just living in it. A new documentary set to air on CBC probes the craze for these flat-faced fur balls. Directed by Michael McNamara & Aaron Hancox, Pugly: A Pug’s Life tells the story of 3 rescue pugs as they find their forever homes.

     ‘Pugs are hipster dogs,’ says Blanche Axton, a foster coordinator at pugalug Pug Rescue in Toronto. ‘So often people will get a pug only to discover that they can be pretty busy little lunatics.’

     The documentary follows Gunner, a pug getting ready for adoption. Instagram star Miss Pickles shows the glamorous side of pug life. And Titus, a pug with a congenital  condition, reveals that the breed often has serious medical conditions…”

Maggie Parkhill
The Gazette, Montreal
Jan. 7/2019

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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