Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Oct. 16/2019

Bovine & Feelin’ Fine
   “…Bella & Bonnie are therapy cows living on Mountain Horse Farm, a 33 acre bed & breakfast near the Finger Lakes area of New York. People are welcome to brush, pet, lay with, or talk to the 2 cows for US $75 an hour.
   Known as ‘cow cuddling’, it’s supposed to generate feelings of relaxation & calmness. The animals weren’t trained to be therapy cows- it’s just their personalities, according to the B & B’s website. The pair was purchased last year because of their gentle demeanour & distinct lack of horns, say co-owners Rudi & Suzanne Vullers, his wife. She’s a trained animal therapist focusing on horses.

   The Dutch native discovered ‘koe knuffelen’, or cow hugging, on a return visit 2 years ago…”
Postmedia News
In The Gazette, Montreal
Aug. 17/2019 

Cute Critter Pic:
Weekly Chuckle


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