Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26/2017

7 Sounds That Cats Make & What They Mean

“... If you’ve had a cat friend for at least a few months, you probably know that your feline emits different sounds, depending on whether she wants food, is in a state of hyper-excitement,because she’s in hunting mode, or is mad at you...

Experts believe cats have about 100 vocalizations, which they use to talk to us humans because we can’t read their body language, which includes subtle ear movements & tail twitches...

1.  The Meow
Kittens are much more likely to meow than adults...As newborns, kittens cannot hear or see, so they make this noise to get their mother’s attention. Although adult cats rarely meow at each other, it’s possible they may meow at us just to get our attention.

2.  The Hiss
... It can be loud or soft depending on the cat & the situation. Even if your cat is the sweetest little kitty on the planet, he has probably hissed if he has ever felt threatened or needed to send a warning to another animal or to a human.

3.  The Purr
For many pet owners, that purr is the unmistakable signal that their feline is happy & healthy. That may be true, but there are other reasons too: older cats purr when they play or approach other cats, signaling they are friendly. Cats also purr when they are distressed or afraid. Experts believe that this is the way cats reassure & calm themselves.

4.  The Chatter
You know that sound your cat makes when she’s trapped indoors, staring out the window at the squirrels or birds outside? The sound is one of both excitement & frustration, since she can’t get outside to chase those creatures.

5.  The Yowl
This sound is eerie, almost nightmarish...Cats mostly yowl when they are in heat; this desperate sound is made to attract any passing tomcats.

6.  The Bip
When Sargent Pepper wants my attention...she makes a “bip” or “eek” sound. Then she just stares at me, waiting for me to make the next usually means she’s going to leap up & walk across my keyboard.

7. The Trill’s something between a meow & a purr. My cat Jaspar used to do this whenever I got home, letting me know he was annoyed that I’d left him alone all day, but that he was still pleased to see me.”

Judy M.
November 13, 2016

Cute Cat Pics

Weekly Chuckle

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