Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3/2017

Canines Sniff Out Pipeline Leaks

   “CALGARY- Duke has the scent.
    The white-gold lab lopes through a field, pulling his owner, Ron Misafa, behind him.
    It takes a minute for the pooch to circle through the tall grass & hone in on the spot where Mistafa has buried a small jar of crude oil.

   ...Mistafa tosses the dog his reward for a job well done: A rubber ball to chew on.

   For about 2 decades, Mistafa has run Detector Dog Services International, a Calgary-based outfit that helps clients in the oil & gas sector to search out pipeline leaks, drugs, & explosives.

   Mistafa has 2 dogs working for him: Duke, for pipeline leak jobs, & George, a lab cross who specializes in drugs & explosives. Both live with Mistafa, along with a springer spaniel named Toby, who is retired.

   Mistafa figures Duke gets only about 5% of the work...The vast majority of demand is from companies wanting George’s help in ridding work camps of illicit items.

   Mistafa spent several years in the Calgary police K-9 unit followed by a stint training dog handlers in land mine detection in Bosnia...

   Duke gets excited when he knows it’s time for work, often lifting up a paw in anticipation when he sees Mistafa is getting the harness ready...

   An assignment can involve Mistafa walking Duke for several hours along a pipeline right-of-wayin remote locales.

   ...dogs save companies time & money...

   Mistafa gets his dogs from rescue organizations...”

Lauren Krugel
The Canadian Press
in The Montreal Gazette
July 2/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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