Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner


Fly- Away Winner

      “Ornithologist David Lindo wants Britons to vote for a national bird next week. Here are the favorites:


Voted Britain’s favorite bird 30 years ago…According to a recent YouGov poll, however, the robin is still soaring, with more than 35% support.

Large, territorial, & violently aggressive, it is said the mute swan can break a man’s arm with its wing…Detractors point out it is already the national bird of Denmark.
With their long beaks & bright plumage, kingfishers are most often found near rivers & lakes, where they will dive beneath the surface in search of prey…


It has a signature screech, is seen as a symbol of wisdom & is strongly associated with the U.K., though its empire extends across much of the globe. The males & females are also known to roost separately.


‘It needs no gaudy feathers & makes no demands,’ & is thus a worthy emblem of the British, says veteran broadcaster John Humphreys, who has emerged as a key backer of the race’s dark horse contender. Presumably it’s also Paul McCartney’s choice.

The Wren, Red Kite, Blue Tit, Puffin, & Hen harrier round out the Top 10”

The Montreal Gazette
May 2/2015

*UPDATE: The results are in & the winner is the Robin.
#2- Barn Owl
#3- Blackbird
#4- Wren
#5- Red Kite
#6- Kingfisher
#7- Mute Swan
#8- Blue Tit
#9- Hen Harrier
#10- Puffin

Cute Critter Pic:

Weekly Chuckle:


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