Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner


Calming the Inner Beast through Hands-on-Healing

           “Got a dog that won’t stop barking? Or maybe a nervous, jumpy cat?

           For $60 an hour, reiki master Jade Horner-Chinappi will try to take away your pet’s worries.

           ‘Reiki can benefit animals by helping them feel more calm, relaxed, & centered,’ Horner-Chinappi says.

           Reiki is a Japanese technique developed in the 1920s…

           The reiki master channels energy in the air around them, transferring it to a pet or person by placing their hands on the subject. The energy is believed to help heal the pet or person’s emotional problems & clear them of any energy blockages.

           ‘The same way it helps people, for pets it can be used for anything from helping a senior pet with illness or injury to calming a hyper puppy to helping a depressed pet cope with the loss of their companion, as in the case with bonded pets who lose their friend,’ Horner-Chinappi says.”

The Gazette, Montreal
Aug. 16/2014

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle



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