Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner 


Sniffer bees could detect Balkan landmines, scientists say 

     “Biologists in France & Croatia have successfully reared sniffer bees which they claim could find explosives that are hidden underground in the Balkans.

           The insects are said to have an olfactory sense as strong as sniffer dogs. Researchers hope they will speed up the urgent task of clearing thousands of landmines…About one million landmines, most containing TNT, were planted during the war in Bosnia in 1992-95. Nearly 120,000 of the unexploded devices remain in more than 9,400 minefields…

           “We knew that bees were sensitive to certain smells, like geraniums or nerol. The challenge was to get them to learn to spot TNT,’ said Yves LeConte, director of the bee & environment unit at INRA, in Avignon, southern France…

           In experiments, Le Conte hid TNT under sand covered with sugar syrup to attract the bees. This encouraged the insects to prefer pots with TNT in them…

           This isn’t the first time scientists have tried to train bees to sniff out explosives. In 2006, the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico released a study that suggested bees were better bomb detectors than man-made devices."

Henry Samuel

Montreal Gazette
May 24/2014 
Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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