Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner 



Grumpy Cat Earns Millions

“LONDON- Grumpy Cat’s piercing stare & air of withering contempt has proved lucrative for the cat’s owner, Tabatha Bundesen of Morristown, Ariz. In just 2 years the cat- whose real name is Tardar Sauce- has made about $115 million from an array of products, including bestselling books, & a film… Grumpy’s earnings have surpassed those of many of Hollywood’s biggest names… Grumpy’s permanent scowl is a result of dwarfism & an underbite. She became an Internet star after Bundesen’s brother posted a picture online. The frown has proved irresistible on social media, with 521,000 followers on Instagram & 255,000 on Twitter.”

Montreal Gazette
Dec. 9/2014

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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