Friday, February 2, 2024

Jan. 31/2024

Fascinating facts about toucans 


by Alizar

If you think you know how toucans look, you're probably familiar only with the most popular species. Learn more about these beautiful birds with these surprising facts about toucans.

#1 There are 40 different species in the toucan family.

The most popular one is known as the toco toucan or the giant toucan.

#2 The lettered aracari is one of the smallest toucans.

An average aracari weighs around 130 g (4.6 oz) & is around 29 cm (11.5 inches) long.

#3 Some members of the family are known as toucanets.

There are 2 genera of toucanets: green & dichromatic toucanets.

#4 All toucans are native to the Neotropical realm, which includes the tropical regions of the Americas.

Most often toucans live in forests, but giant toucans are also found in open woodlands.

#5 Most toucans can live to be 20 years old.

The oldest known toucan lived in captivity for 26 years.

#6 In largest species, the bill can be as long as the rest of their body.

The bill is a powerful thermoregulation device & a perfect tool to reach fruit, the main part of toucans' diet. Despite its impressive size, the bill is very light, but strong enough to use it for defense.

#7 Toucans are funny & smart.

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