Friday, February 9, 2024

Feb. 7/2024


10 scary inhabitants of the Amazon


by wilson

Take a look at a list of scary inhabitants of the Amazon just to be on the safe side.

We all heard about the forests near the Amazon that are well-known for their dangerous for people inhabitants & plants. QuizzClub team has found out that the waters of this river hide even more scary creatures.

#1 Black Caiman

This is one of the most dangerous predators in the world. Black Caiman can be up to 6 meters (20 feet) long. They have a great reaction & speed that help them to catch their victims. They eat nearly anything they can get their teeth into including human beings.

#2 Anaconda

Anaconda is the biggest snake in the world. It can grow to 9 meters (29 feet) long, reach 30 centimeters (12 in) in diameter & weigh 250 kilograms. These creatures like to live in shallower waters & catch their victims using the muscles of the bodies which are really strong.

#3 Giant Otter

Giant Otter can grow to 2 meters long. This is a very strong creature that eats crabs & fish. When giant otters gather in a group they become extremely dangerous & can even kill an anaconda.

#4 Bull Shark

These animals live in salt waters, but feel quite comfortable in fresh water. It is common for them to reach 3.3 meters (11 feet) in length & weigh up to 312 kilograms. These sharks have very strong jaws, so it's better not to meet them in real life.

#5 Electric Eel

You'd better not touch these creatures, because they produce jolts of electricity that will definitely kill you. These charges can reach up to 600 volts.

#6 Red-Bellied Piranha

Piranhas can grow up to 30 centimeters (12 in) long & tend to gather into large groups to attack their victims using extra sharp teeth. Although they are scavengers, they won't miss a chance to eat fresh meat.

#7 Pacu

This fish is a close relative of Piranha. Pacu fish is well well-known for its human-like teeth that can tear the victim.

#8 Payara

Payara is also called vampire fish for its long & sharp lower teeth. They can grow up to 1,2 meters (4 feet) long.

#9 Candiru

Not only giants are dangerous in the Amazon. This fish called candiru is very small but very harmful. Usually it preys on fish, & gets into their lungs. However, there are some cases when candiru got into a human's body.

#10 Arapaima

Arapaima can reach 2.7 meters (9 feet) in length & weigh up to 90 kilograms. They are very dangerous predators that usually eat fish & birds but will not refuse to eat a human. They have armored scales that's why even piranhas can't scare them with their teeth.

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