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Oct. 4/2023


The World’s Cutest Animals

 June 21/2018 

Reliablecounter Team

It is amazing the diversity in the beauty that we have in this world. Great & beautiful are the natural sceneries scattered in different countries across the globe & millions of people hope from one country to another just to experience the beauty found in the lands yonder. But while we talk about beautiful landscapes & natural sceneries, it is also befitting to talk about animals since we don’t live in this world alone. There are thousands of animal species, some living in the wild while some sharing with us the same spaces we have at home. Though you will lose count if you start to determine the total number of animals available in this planet, here is a look at some of the world’s cutest animals:


Sloth is a relaxed & highly lovable animal. The commonplace & the natural habitat where you will find this cute animal is in the jungles & the rainforests of South America. Though the name may suggest laziness to some people, sloth is not necessarily a lazy animal, but it will always take its time wherever it goes. Since they move slowly from one place to another, they never attract the attention of predators & their very nature gives them a nice defense mechanism.

Pigmy hippopotamus

The pygmy hippo is one animal that will rarely miss from the list of the cutest animals in the world. Though hippos are naturally very huge & big animals, they are very pretty when they are small & were it not for the fact that they are wild animals, millions would die to have them as pets at home. But with the pygmy hippo, they are very cute & harmless & currently, they are one of the animals marked for extinction in the coming few years.

Slow Loris

Slow Loris features big, brown eyes with a round head & small pointy ears & it is one of the cute baby animals you will ever encounter in your life. It is an exotic animal, native to South & Southeast Asia, & though it has very adorable looks, it is a very dangerous animal. It has a gland on the elbows which excretes very dangerous venom & getting close to it is highly discouraged as just with a snap of the seemingly feeble fingers, you could be left wreathing in pain & in need of emergency medical care.


From afar, you may mistake the meerkat for a mongoose, but it has a characteristic human-like pose & this is what has made them extremely popular. They are cute & highly agile animals & they are native to the deserts of South Africa. The meerkats are social animals & will always live & walk in gangs of about 20 animals each, though it is also common to find them in groups of up to 50 members.


There is no denying that penguins are some of the cute animals you will ever find in the world, especially when you are considering sea mammals. Their beauty & cuteness have been the inspiration for numerous animation movies & they continue to find a place in the hearts & souls of many people around the globe. There are a total of 17 different penguin species & you will find most of them with the characteristic white & black colors with perfect patterns on their bodies. Penguins are highly agile, & though they can’t fly, they are very good at running & swimming.

Red Panda

Also known as the red cat-bear, the red panda is another animal that will seldom miss in the list of cute animals in the world. It is a solitary mammal whose best time of activity in the hours after dusk & before dawn. During the daytime, it will either sleep or rest rather than roaming the jungles.

Beluga White Whale

Simply known as the white whale, the beluga white whale can only be found in the Arctic where the waters are cold & clear. Though they belong to the whale family, they are not as imposing as the other types of whales, with their average length being just at 13 feet. However, they are highly intelligent & can be easily trained on how to chirp or blow bubbles on command.

Clown Fish

There are about 30 species of clownfish & all of them boasts of distinctively bright & colorful patches across their bodies. Clownfish have a symbiotic & mutually beneficial relationship with the sea anemones. Just staring at them is so much gratifying & this is why you find them in large aquariums in big shopping malls. Such large aquariums can be found on Showcase Custom Aquarium Shop. They have a unique way of making such places extremely beautiful.

Roe Deer

Taking a walk in the forest may bring you face to face with another of the cute animals in the world in the name of the roe deer. This particular species has a characteristic beautiful chestnut brown skin & they are almost of the same size as the ordinary goats. They are overwhelmingly cute & if only it was possible, then a lot of people would have them as pets in their compounds or ranches.

Bottlenose Dolphins

Dolphins are not necessarily very cute animals but the bottlenose species are not just one of the most beautiful dolphin species you will ever encounter, but also one of the cute animals you will find in the oceans. When under human captivity, these animals are exceedingly friendly, but when in their natural habitat, they are agile & highly organized, especially when it comes to hunting time.


You probably have sweaters made from alpaca hair, & though you may not know it, the alpaca deserves a mention among the cutest animals in the world. They are calm, unique, & huggable & it is always a great joy to just watch them do their things in the yards.

Sea Otter

Sea otters are embarrassingly adorable. This incredibly intelligent marine mammal is native to the eastern & northern coasts of the Pacific Ocean & they are considered one of the heaviest members of the weasel family. They are social animals who will always swim in groups of up to 100 members with their paws clasped together so that they don’t drift too far from one another.

Cute Critters 

Weekly Chuckle 






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