Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3/2020


Do Pigs Make Good Pets?
   “Pigs are becoming increasingly popular to keep as pets. However, these are not the same pigs as you would necessarily find on a farm. Many people prefer ‘mini’ pigs, which are much smaller than typical farm pigs…these ‘mini’ pigs can weigh as much as 180 pounds (compare that to farm pigs, which can grow to more than 600-1,000 pounds)…pet pigs can be wonderful, but there are some important things to consider before you make the decision to get one for yourself…

How long do pigs live as pets?
‘Teacup’ or ‘micro’ pigs are actually just baby potbellied pigs. They can live from 12 to 18 years (even up to 20!)…They can grow to be 100-150 pounds, so the term ‘teacup’ is definitely misleading. These pigs will need a lot of space if you intend to keep them as pets…
What do pigs eat?
…Pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants & animals. They need a varied diet to be in peak health. In the wild, for example, pigs root around, or forage, to find roots, fruits & flowers, even insects. On farms, pigs will often be fed corn & soybean meal with some vitamins/minerals added.

For your pet pig, you can feed it potbellied pig chow, which you can get from certain suppliers…Piglets ranging in age from 5 weeks to 3 months of age will need about 3/4 cup of chow daily. For adult pigs (3 months & older), about 2 cups of chow daily is recommended. In the winter, if it's particularly cold, you may want to increase this slightly, as pigs will burn more calories when it's cold.

You can also feed your pet pig a fresh salad every day…Some great snacks include unsalted, unbuttered popcorn, fresh or dehydrated fruits & vegetables…

How much space do pigs need?
…Pigs need plenty of space to root around & play… the more space you have the better. Pet pigs will also often not want to be confined in a home all day. They need space to root around & graze outside if they are to be happy & healthy…

What are pig personalities like?
Pigs can be very hyper, wild, & even destructive…

Pigs are very social, & are happiest when surrounded by other pigs. Many pet pig owners prefer to have at least 2 so that their pets will have each other to socialize with. Pigs can also be rather hierarchical….

Can you train a pig?
You can certainly train a pig, & you should start while they're young, just as you would with a dog. Basic commands & tricks can be taught to your pet pig with food used as an incentive. Cheerios, shredded wheat, unbuttered, unsalted popcorn, & pieces of fruit like apple can be used as a reward while you teach them certain behaviors. Repeating words, using consistency & establishing a routine will be of significant help as you strive to teach your pet pig certain commands like sit, come, no, & stay, among some extras like wave or shake.

Bonding with your pig
Bonding with your pet pig can be tough…with pigs it can take months…they tend to come around with time, & can be very affectionate & playful. Your pet pig will enjoy spending time with you & getting belly rubs & treats…It really does need other pigs around to truly be comfortable & happy, so that's definitely something to keep in mind…”

Maggie Hira
May 27/2019

Cute Critter Pics:

Weekly Chuckle:

#Stay Home

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