Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 13/2019

Tiny & Cute

Chameleon Cutie
The world’s smallest chameleon, the Brookesia micra chameleon lives on the island of
Madagascar. Adult males grow to only about a half-inch (16mm) from nose to tail…                                                            
A Frog the Size of a Fly…
The Paedophryne amanuensis frog is about the size of a housefly. It is so tiny that it can
fit on a grape. It measures only about a third of an inch or 7.7 mm long. 
How a Scientist Discovered the Tiny Frog
Christopher Austin is a herpetologist- a scientist that studies reptiles & amphibians. He
wanted to find the animal making an unusual ‘tink-tink-tink’ sound in the tropical forest
of Papua New Guinea. He heard the noise coming from some dead leaves on the forest
floor. He looked & looked  but couldn’t find any animals. He grabbed a clump of the
leaves & put them into a bag. Back at his camp, he checked each of the hundreds of
leaves in the bag. Imagine his surprise when a tiny animal hopped off one of the leaves. It
was a tiny frog that no one had ever seen before.

Madame Berthe’s Mouse Lemur
The world’s smallest primate weighs only 1 ounce (30g)…It is called Madame Berthe’s
mouse lemur. While the cute critter is super tiny, it has large eyes which help it see at
night & a tail that is longer than its body.
Bee Hummingbird
It’s the smallest bird in the world & weighs less than 2 ounces (57g)…It’s tiny but
powerful. It can flap its little wings 80 times per second!”

The Gazette, Montreal
Jan. 7/2019

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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