Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jan. 30/2019

Eatery Says Come, Sit, Stay
   "An Italian restaurant has decided to formalize the growing Italian custom of bringing one's dog to the diner- by adding a canine cover charge.
   The eatery near Vicenza said the $3 fee will allow patrons to treat their dogs like companions.
   Those coughing up the extra cash will see their furry pals given their own place at the table & a bowl of water. It will also cover post-meal cleanups.
   Dave, Fabio, & Joe Formaggio, the owners of the restaurant in Albettone, told local media that animals have always been welcomed, but the new policy 'effectively makes the animal a diner'.
   They said more & more dog owners are bringing their pets with them when they eat out, & that means taking 'a few more precautions', which the cover charge will address."

in The Gazette, Montreal
Jan. 12/2019
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

Jan. 31/1997 Peanut

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