Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dec. 5/2018

The Friendly & Loving Orange Cat

“…Some people relate the color of their felines with their personality while adopting a cat. According to a research people perceive coat color as a main factor that decides the personality of their cats. A lot of people who were surveyed thought orange cats were friendly & not aloof or shy. But, this is not true in case of Garfield the most famous orange cat who is shown as lazy & grumpy. The color orange comes from the genetics & their personalities match their color pattern that is warm. Orange cats tend to be adopted quickly as compared to cats with other color coats. Orange colored kittens look very attractive & most people love taking them home…After a recent survey, it was found that cat owners felt that the orange cats have a personality that is different to the typical cat, which makes it the preferred choice of cat owners. Some people refer the orange cat as Ginger or marmalade cat.

Facts about Orange Cat
Orange cats are mostly males & this is because orange female cat should have an orange colored father & mother or an orange father & calico mother. For producing an orange male only one parent needs to be calico or orange…

Relation between color & breed of cat
There are orange tabby cats as well & the female orange tabby cats are less than 20%, which means only 1/4th orange tabby cats are females. Various breeds of cats like Persian, American Short hair, & many other breeds of cats come with orange color fur.

Many people think orange cat is a breed of cat, but actually the fact is it is only the color of the coat in cats. Orange cats are mostly found in domestic short haired cats, which constitute around 90% cats in the world & the pedigreed cats. Some breeds have the tabby pattern with orange color coat. Upon close examination of these cats with solid color you will notice pale stripes, or spots of the tabby. Orange cats are mostly tabby. The eyes of orange cats are golden, green, or copper. Many even have topaz color eyes. Whatever maybe the name used to call these types of cats these sunshine cats have a way to brighten & lighten your lives as well as your home. So if you want a cat that loves, is attractive, friendly, & the one who will sit on your lap while you have a chat with him, then you should ideally go for an orange cat without any doubt.”

Sept. 24/2018
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle


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