Thursday, October 11, 2018

Oct. 10/2018


Scientists Discover a Mega-Colony of Adelie Penguins in Antarctica  

“Huge ‘mega-colonies’ of Adélie penguins have been discovered near the Antarctic peninsula, offering more hope for the region’s penguin population.

Previous scientific surveys showed a significant decline in Adélie penguins, the most common species found on the Antarctic Peninsula…

WWF notes that, while Adélie penguin populations have increased in some areas, their numbers have declined by 65% in other regions. The quest to understand these losses led scientists to examine satellite data of the remote region. And in 2014, researchers found evidence of penguins in an unexpected area: the Danger Islands in the Weddell Sea.

…researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Oxford University & several institutions mounted an expedition to reach the remote Danger Islands. As detailed in the journal ‘Scientific Reports,’ the scientists discovered several colonies of penguins – 1.5 million birds, to be exact.

Co-researcher Tom Hart of the University of Oxford explained: 

This was an incredible experience, finding & counting so many penguins. The size of these colonies makes them regionally important & makes the case for expanding the proposed Weddell Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) to include the Danger Islands. More than that, I think it highlights the need for better protection of the west Antarctic Peninsula, where we are seeing declines.

The researchers then revisited satellite data dating back to the 1950s. They found that the colonies appear to have been stable for several decades, suggesting that this is a longstanding breeding ground for the birds.

By using drones to take images of individual nesting sites & then stitching them together to form a patchwork map, the researchers were able to tally up total numbers & determine where the penguins congregate. This data provides a benchmark for tracking future population changes & birth distribution…

In 2016, an area off Antarctica was designated as a marine protected area. This 598,000 square-mile region in the Ross Sea was given the green-light by the international Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. This area holds immense value for scientific research & biodiversity.

This recent study makes the case for extending that protected area to include the Danger Islands, ensuring a future for the Adélie penguins.”

Steve Williams
March 6/2018

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