Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April 4/2018

April is E.B.W. Critter Corner's Annual Cat Month!!!
Why Is My Cat Doing That? 6 Weird Feline Behaviors Explained

“…here’s a little insight into the mind of the common house cat:

Does your cat like to head-butt you?
The technical term for this behavior is ‘bunting.’ While head-butting may seem like a simple display of affection for their owners, it gets a little more complicated when you realize that cats just as likely to rub their faces on household objects & furniture.

You may have heard that cats do this to ‘mark their territory’ with their scent, & that’s definitely part of the answer. But cats will also rub against each other to indicate their friendly intentions — so when your cat head-butts you or demands to be scratched behind the ears, it’s not just a move to mark you as his property.

Does your cat seem to turn on you?
While some cats have a higher tolerance for petting than others, many cats will get excited by the attention & bite or scratch you while you pet them. Cats aren’t doing this to be mean, or trick you into a fight. A gentle — or not-so-gentle — nip is your cat’s way of letting you know she’s had enough for now…

Does your cat eat plants? Or chew on random inedible objects?
The good news is that eating grass is totally normal for cats — but excessive consumption can give your cat an upset stomach & work as a laxative. Cats may eat grass to provide fiber & help clear hairballs from the stomach, so unless your cat is regularly eating enough grass to the point of vomiting, you probably shouldn’t worry. Just make sure your plant-eating cat doesn’t have access to any common decorative or houseplants that could be toxic.

Unfortunately, for some cats, this behavior extends to inedible objects like plastic bags or electrical cords. This behavior, called ‘pica,’ can potentially be dangerous. Try keeping objects out of the cat’s reach or treating these items with a substance that tastes bad to cats…

Does your cat ‘knead’ you with her paws?
Kittens use this same motion to help release milk from their mother when feeding. So when your cat does this motion while being petted, it’s her way of showing love & affection for her human ‘mom.’

Does your cat seem to urinate everywhere but the litter box?
…This is not normal cat behavior & indicates emotional stress or a medical issue. Your cat may have a bacterial infection or an obstruction in the urinary tract that has likely led him to associate using the ‘bathroom’ with pain. It’s also possible that liver or kidney disease is causing your cat to urinate more frequently than normal, resulting in incontinence.

If your vet eliminates any medical reasons for your cat’s inappropriate urination, then it’s time to look at possible emotional causes for the behavior. Cats are stressed out by many of the same things as humans. If you’ve recently brought a new cat into the home, travel frequently for work, argue frequently with your spouse, have a new baby or have been remodeling your home, that may be the reason you cat isn’t using the litter box. Sometimes, existing urinary disease can be exacerbated by stressful living conditions.

Does your cat love to tear furniture to shreds?
Cats aren’t just scratching furniture for fun — they need to regularly scratch to keep their claws sharp & healthy…

…Providing a scratching post is an obvious place to start, although it may take your cat some time to get used to it. Discourage your cat from scratching furniture by moving desirable objects, covering up your furniture or even placing double-sided tape or sandpaper on the floor where the cat normally stands while scratching.

If you simply can’t get your cat to stop scratching, you can trim his nails periodically or put plastic caps over the claws to keep them from damaging household objects.”

Julie M. Rodriguez
Feb. 25/2018
Cute Cat Pics

Weekly Chuckle

Casper- April 4/2009

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