Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Feb. 14/2018

                                                E.B.W. Critter Corner
It's a Miracle! Wisdom Lays an Egg at Age 67

“Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, has once again returned to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge & Battle of Midway National Memorial & has laid an egg. The approximately 67-year-old flies thousands of miles every year before returning to the Midway Atoll…

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) refuge staff recognized Wisdom, the world’s oldest known breeding bird, along with her mate Akeakamai, in late November; On Dec. 13 they spotted Akeakamai sitting on a nest, incubating an egg.

Midway Atoll is part of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, located at the far northern end of the Hawaiian archipelago.

One of the oldest atoll formations in the world, it provides grounds for more than 3 million seabirds to nest & raise their young, including 70% of the world’s Laysan albatross population. According to the USFWS, it is also home to nearly 40% of Black-footed albatross, as well as Short-tailed albatross & at least 20 other species of seabirds.

But Wisdom is special.

 In 1956 Chandler Robbins banded Wisdom, whom he guessed was about 6 years old. Little did he know that 61 years later, that albatross, now known as the oldest seabird in the world, would be expecting another baby. She’s been coming back to the same nest every year. Over the course of these years, it’s estimated that she’s logged an incredible 6 million miles of flight time.

The average lifespan of her species, the Layman albatross, is between 12 & 40 years, so it’s amazing that she’s still alive & even more impressive that she is still breeding.

These birds are equally responsible for raising their young & they form long-term partnerships. They lay only one egg per year, so each one is special to their parents. According to the USFWS, Wisdom & her partner have raised at least 8 chicks since 2006 & she has raised as many as 40 during her long life.

This year the USFW reports that Wisdom’s mate Akeakamai took the first shift on the nest while Wisdom went to look for food.

…they will swap places. And after the egg hatches, the 2 parents will share equally in the rearing & feeding of their chick.

…Nature is truly amazing!”

Judy M.
Dec. 30/ 2017

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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