Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Feb. 22/2017

8 of the World’s Most Pet-Friendly Countries

France is a nation of dog lovers...Many shops have a resident dog snoozing by the counter...& dogs are also welcome in those picturesque cafés, bars, shops, & even some markets.

Aussies have lots of beautiful beaches & parks where dogs are welcome...Dogs are allowed to ride on public transportation... &... has strict animal-import laws...
Great Britain
The U.K. has a reputation as a nation of animal lovers, & you’re allowed to take pets to many places, including gardens, parks, & even some museums. Pets are allowed on the London Underground free of charge...
This central European a leader in stopping animal cruelty. Included in this movement is a ban on selling cats & dogs at pet stores in an effort to curb puppy mills. There are also guidelines against training methods that use force in Austria.

This European nation also wants to protect its animals...there are even rules in place to ensure dogs get a minimum required amount of exercise each day, that they’re microchipped & that they have frequent medical checkups. In addition, these family members are welcome outdoors at restaurants & cafés.

The Netherlands
The Netherlands is another place where it’s common to take your pet along with you to restaurants, cafés, & shops. Your dog can come along when you travel by train, & the country has laws to prevent people with criminal records from owning a dog...

...many shops in its dog-loving cities & towns leave water bowls & treats outside their doors, & lots of luxury spas for dogs & full-service day cares have opened in recent years. Some cities have large dog parks to offer, & some allow canines to ride on public transportation during certain hours.

The Swiss... require a test where new owners have to show their pet-owning aptitude. All owners are required to have pet health insurance, & there are rules in place to prevent cruelty to dogs in their training... Swiss airlines often allow small dogs in the cabin, & many restaurants not only allow dogs to join their human patrons, but they’ll also make them their own doggie plate.”

Amy Sinatra Ayres (
November 21/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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