Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 3/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Meet New York’s Newest Groundskeeping Crew

 “New York’s newest landscaping crew are certainly unusual hires. They are charged with weeding Brooklyn, New York’s last remaining greenspace. They walk on 4 legs. They eat everything. And they are covered in fur. Yep, they’re goats.

The Prospect Park Alliance hired 8 goats to help weed Prospect Park in Brooklyn. The goats—Zoya, Olivia, Max, Charlie Brown, Diego, Raptor, Skittles & Reese—will work through the summer to clean up the park that has been rattled by a tornado & hurricanes Irene & Katrina, according to the New York Times. The job is expected to be completed by September.

Zoya & crew will leave their home in Rhinebeck, New York, & take up residency in Prospect Park, working on fenced-off sections that need the most help. Larry & Ann Cihanek, the goats’ owners... will check on the herd twice a week. Ann told The Guardian that goats love weeds such as poison ivy & will eat those plants first.

‘They’re a bit like children,’ Larry told the New York Times. ‘They will eat their favorite foods first, & one of their top foods is poison ivy. They love it.’ A single goat can eat up to 25 pounds in one day...

Other than being a natural, chemical-free method of weed removal, using goats has saved past customers anywhere from 50 to 75% compared to other methods...
The goats began work last week.”

May 29/ 2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


Tammy Too
Aug. 5/1995
When I lost you I lost a piece of my heart. I can never thank you enough for all the love you gave me. You got me through the roughest of the rough times. I love you dearly. Rest in Peace baby boy.

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