Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August 10/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Tangled Whale Came to Waterfront For Help: Rescuer

 “A man in Digby N.S., who helped free a whale from a fishing net said he’s convinced it came to the waterfront looking for help. Barry O’Neil was working on a boat...when Dallas Kenly called out. ‘He kept yelling, ‘Come look at this, you won’t believe it.’‘ O’Neil & Nathaniel Denton rushed over to see a 6-metre minke whale, burdened by about 9 kg. of net tangled in its nose & mouth. O’Neil jumped into the waist-deep water & saw that the rope had really dug in. It had clearly been there for some time, & kelp had been growing on it. ‘He...was as gentle as a kitten. It was just like it came there for help,’ said O’Neil. ‘It calmed right down’. He took out a jackknife to cut it free. ‘He was in no hurry to get away. He took his time. We watched him swim away, nice & calm.’”

The Canadian Press
in the Montreal Gazette

July 23/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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