Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 27/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Things You May Not Know About Frogs

 “...We jumped at the chance to learn some little-known frog facts from Mark Schick, who is the collection manager at Shedd Aquarium...

1. When pursued, cricket frogs can jump really, really high. Like, 60 times the length of the body!... That’s the same as a human jumping as high as a 38-story building.

The tomato frog...puffs itself into a round shape, which looks a lot like a tomato, when it’s threatened, at which time it also releases a milky poison from its skin... 

African bullfrogs have been known to eat members of their own species on occasion... 

...African bullfrogs can bury themselves in underground burrows for months. This protects them during periods of extremely dry weather, when temperatures often reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day & dip below freezing at night. Once the rainy season begins, they come out & head for the shallow waters of temporary seasonal floodplains & puddles.

Green & black dart frogs work as a co-ed team when it comes to child care. The females lay clusters of up to 13 eggs in leaf litter, after which the males care for the eggs before carrying the hatchlings on their backs to small still-water sources in the trees.

One noise just isn’t enough for the male southern leopard frog, which makes 2 distinct calls...  

7. Wood frogs don’t mind the cold... Up to a third of this frog’s bodily fluids can safely freeze, allowing him to survive temperatures as low as 23 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Wood frogs have a reputation for being “explosive breeders.” ​You might find thousands at a breeding pond over a period of a few hours...

9. American​ ​​​bullfrogs are big in North America... they’re the largest frogs on the continent, & the males’ calls can be heard more than half a mile away.​

10. Not all frogs have webbed toes. The blue-legged mantella frog, for example, is one of several frogs that is terrestrial, so it doesn’t have (or need) webbed toes for swimming.”

Kristen Seymour (
April 9/2016

Cute Critter Pic 

Weekly Chuckle 

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