Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Why Pets Make You Happier

  “...I read about a mother- daughter team in Portland, Ore., using pet llamas as ‘therapy animals’...

     Lori & Shannon Gregory created Mountain Peaks Therapy Llamas & Alpacas 8 years ago. They’d heard llamas are gentle & easy to keep, so they decided to buy a baby llama. The friendly, playful animal began to attract increasing numbers of visitors, so they decided to register him as a ‘therapy animal’.

     They now own 5 llamas & 3 alpacas, & have taken them on more than 1,000 visits to rehab centres & clinics. Patients are encouraged to play with the animals, offer them food, & stroke them. The animals have helped to calm the anxious & cheer up those suffering from depression. They even encouraged one mute patient to talk again... animal provides a talking point, a way to encourage those who may have withdrawn into themselves to start engaging with others. Watch anyone walking a dog. People stop to ask questions about the animal, & this often leads to further conversation...

     ...when we stroke a creature, we release oxytocin, a powerful neuropeptide. Markus Heinrichs at the University of Freiburg showed that oxytocin reduces anxiety & increases a sense of calm...”

Linda Blair
Daily Telegraph
in The Gazette, Montreal
May 14/2016

Cute Critter Pic 

Weekly Chuckle

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