Thursday, November 4, 2021

Nov. 3/2021

Very good boy lands gig as Busch's 'chief tasting officer' for Dog Brew

"New York (CNN) After several weeks of searching, Busch has found the goodest boy to be its official Dog Brew 'chief tasting officer'."

Meet Ethan, a blockheaded, jowly rescue pup who had 'a fur-rific resume & story that will inspire us for years to come,' Busch said on its Facebook page.
Just 4 months ago, Ethan was abandoned, fighting for his life, in the parking lot of the Humane Society in Louisville, Kentucky. With help from the organization & his adoptive family, Ethan defied the odds & became a happy, healthy pup with an absolutely stupid grin...
Busch... that it was sniffing around to fill a newly created role for 'Dog Brew' — its canine-friendly, nonalcoholic bone broth.
        The job pays $20,000 a year (plus free Dog Brew, of course) & includes such vital responsibilities as 'taste-testing, quality control, & fulfilling duties as an ambassador for the product,' the company said.
        Ethan's story galvanized the community in Louisville. According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, he was left at the Humane Society severely dehydrated & malnourished, weighing just 40 pounds. He's now 85 pounds of pure goofball energy."
        Allison Morrow
        May 23, 2021
        Cute Critter Pics:

        Weekly Chuckle:

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