Saturday, February 20, 2021

Feb. 17/2021



Elizabeth Ann the Black-Footed Ferret Is the First-Ever Cloned Endangered U.S. Species

"Scientists are introducing the world to a black-footed ferret named Elizabeth Ann — the first-ever endangered U.S. species to be cloned.

Elizabeth Ann was born on Dec. 10 after being created from the frozen cells of another black-footed ferret named Willa, who died over 30 years ago, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.  

Once thought to be completely extinct, a small population of black-footed ferrets — one of North America's rarest land mammals — was discovered in 1981 by a Wyoming rancher...

Elizabeth Ann's story truly began in 1988, when the Wyoming department sent frozen cell samples from a black-footed ferret named Willa to San Diego Zoo Global's Frozen Zoo. 

Subsequent genetic studies showed that Willa's samples 'possessed 3 times more unique variations than the living population.' 

In 2013, the Fish & Wildlife Service began working with Revive & Restore, a organization that focuses on using biotechnology to help bolster conservation efforts.

Then in 2018, Revive & Restore received the 'first-ever recovery permit for cloning research of an endangered species,'  & they partnered with ViaGen Pets & Equine to successfully create embryos from frozen black-footed ferret cells,& implant them into a surrogate.

Although the entire process was years in the making, scientists didn't have to wait long for Elizabeth Ann's arrival.

Just 2 weeks after their first trial began on Halloween, scientists confirmed the surrogate was pregnant — & on Dec. 10, Elizabeth Ann arrived via C-section, according to The New York Times.


As for Elizabeth Ann's future, she'll live out the rest of her life at Colorado's Ferret Conservation Center — & hopefully add some cloned siblings, & mates, to her family. 

'San Diego Zoo Global's Frozen Zoo was created more than 40 years ago with the hope that it would provide solutions to future conservation challenges,' Oliver Ryder, the director of conservation genetics at San Diego Zoo Global, said in a press release. 'We are delighted that we have been able to cryobank &, years later, provide viable cell cultures for this groundbreaking project.' 

'It was a commitment to seeing this species survive that has led to the successful birth of Elizabeth Ann. To see her now thriving ushers in a new era for her species & for conservation-dependent species everywhere,' added Ryan Phelan, Revive & Restore's executive director. 'She is a win for biodiversity & for genetic rescue.'"

By Maria Pasquini 

Feb. 19/2021

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