Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dec. 23/2020


There's a new addition at the Miami Zoo: a baby giant anteater

"(CNN) The Miami Zoo has a new resident.

A male giant anteater was born December 8, its mother's birthday...

The arrival of Ziggy Ebenezer wasn't all smooth sailing.

On one of the coldest nights of the year in Florida, the adult female abandoned the baby in the corner of their enclosure. The newborn was weak & cold...& was immediately taken to the zoo hospital & put in intensive care.

The team did not think that Ziggy would survive. But he slowly became more responsive as he got warmer, & within 48 hours he was strong enough to be reintroduced to his mother. Still, the mother began to reject him, & Ziggy was returned to the hospital to receive care.

'It continues to gain strength & its distinct black & white coat is beginning to grow in,' the zoo said...

'Zoo veterinarians are cautiously optimistic that the baby has overcome the most serious challenges of its first few days & are hoping that the improvements continue though there are still obstacles ahead as there would be for any infant in this situation.'

Giant anteaters are the largest of the 4 species of anteaters & can reach 6-8 feet, according to the zoo's website. They are native to Central & South America & are listed as vulnerable, with their greatest threat being habitat loss.

The animal is commonly called the 'ant bear' & has tongues that can be 2 feet long to lick up to 150 ants or termites a minute.

They use their strong powerful front claws to fend off predators, like jaguars, since they have no teeth."


Lauren M Johnson

December 22, 2020

Cute Christmas Critter Pics:

hristmas Chuckle


Merry Christmas
Let's all hope for a happy & healthy 2021!!!

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