Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dec. 11/2019


For the Love of Pets
   “How much do we love our pets? Plenty!

   Where once pet owners discussed when to get their pets fixed, now you’re hearing about chemo & radiation for our beloved 4-legged friends…

   There’s pet dialysis & diabetes treatment, &, well, cloning is on the landscape, too. Just ask Barbra Streisand, who had her beloved dog Samantha successfully cloned.

   A cat in Maryland lived a year after receiving a kidney transplant from a donor cat…

   The cat was 18 years old when he died, & the owner adopted the donor cat…

   Years ago, when dogs- or horses- suffered broken legs or hips, the outcome was grim.

   Now broken bones can be healed thanks to custom crafted braces created with professional athletes in mind.

   And there has been a surge for such devices for pets not only suffering from broken bones but also arthritis & other age related erosion.

   Just ask Sandro Ferrari, owner of Brace Yourself orthopedics in Toronto. The veteran hospital orthopedic technologist, whose 2 gorgeous Dobermans, Molly & Kaja, lived to ripe old ages thanks to his constant love & care, has been the official bracing specialist with the Toronto Maple Leafs…

   But it was a friend’s dog named Shadow who inadvertently opened up a second career for Ferrari…

   ‘Shadow had torn her ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) & I was asked to help. I knew I had to act quickly, & it came to me that, if fiberglass works for humans, why not dogs?’

   He studied the dog’s structure & created a special brace.

   ‘When you’re working with a human, the mould needs to set before you can cut it off & create the brace. With animals, it’s different. You have to time it right before the cast sets,’ said Ferrari.

   Do animals make good patients? ‘Dogs know when they are being helped & stay still. They know you’re there to make them better,’ said Ferrari.

   Word spread about the treatment’s success, & calls for help starting to pour in- including one from a horse owner who asked Ferrari if he could save his horse who had suffered a broken leg- which he successfully did.

       Today, Brace Yourself orthopedics ( is doing such a thriving business, Ferrari finds himself juggling 2 full time careers- & loving every minute of it.

   ‘It’s quite simple: I love helping animals,’ said Ferrari…

   The Canadian pet industry is worth well over $8 billion when you factor in veterinarian services, food & supplies, daycare, grooming, & other services…

   Statistics from 2018 show 8.3 million cats were considered household pets, while the dog figure increased to 8.2 million, up from 7.6 million in 2016.

   ‘It is encouraging to see the number of pet cats & dogs increasing in Canada & I think that reflects the special relationship we have with them,’ notes Colleen McElwain, CAHI programs director.”

Rita Demontis
The Gazette, Montreal

Aug. 3/2019

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle:

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