Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sept. 19/2018


Orca Hear, Orca Speak: Whales Can Say Words

   “LONDON- Whales are known for their impressive communications skills which allow pods to ‘talk’ to each other through complex clicks & singing, even when they are more than 100 km apart.

   But a new experiment has shown the mammals are also capable of mimicking human speech, a feat that was previously believed to be limited to primates, birds, elephants, & seals.

   Scientists say they have recorded a killer whale, named Wikie, repeating the words ‘hello’ & ‘bye bye’, counting up to 3, & even saying the name of her trainer ‘Amy’.

   The 14 yr. old orca lives in Marineland at Antibes, France, & is the first in the world ever recorded by scientists saying human words.

   The achievement is even more remarkable because whales do not have the same vocal ability as humans, having evolved to make their own sounds underwater. While humans use the larynx to speak, whales produce sounds through their nasal passages using bursts of air.

   Recently scientists have claimed that whales have different ‘accents’ or ‘cultures’…

   In the wild, killer whales live in pods & each has its own dialect, which includes calls that are completely unique. Some clicks are even thought to represent names…Previously killer whales have been observed mimicking barks of sea lions & whistles of sea dolphins, & beluga whales have been heard apparently imitating humans, but until now no controlled experiments have been carried out to verify reports. In the new trial, Wikie was trained to understand a ‘copy’ signal then invited to repeat 11 completely new sounds given by her trainer…It was given a fish or an affectionate pat when it achieved the sound to reinforce the learning…

   The researchers concluded: ‘Wikie made recognizable copies of the demonstrated sound judged in real time by 2 observers, Wikie’s trainer & one experimenter, later confirmed by both after listening to the recordings’.”    

Sarah Knapton
The Daily Telegraph
In The Gazette, Montreal
Feb. 1/2018
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

My sweet Snowy.

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