Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29/2017

6 Fascinating Facts About the Misunderstood Magpie

“...1. Magpies Don’t Like Shiny Things- They’re Scared of Them
Magpies have a reputation as thieves out to steal your shiny jewelry or take ornaments from your garden, but new research shows that flashy objects probably repel magpies...

Magpies are capable of wrecking crops by digging for grain, berries & other food, so along with other bird-scaring measures, placing shiny materials in fields might deter magpies & keep crops safe from being upturned & trampled.

2. Magpies Will Eat Almost Anything, Including Bird Eggs & Chicks
While their natural diet is quite broad- including insects, small rodents, grain & berries- magpies have been known to steal other birds’ eggs, & even young chicks.

…magpies have adapted… to suburban living, so they’ll often eat leftover food scraps...

3. Magpies Are Closely Related to Crows, Jays, & Ravens
... magpies belong to the bird family Corvidae, a group that includes crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, & jays, as well… treepies, choughs, & nutcrackers.

As such, magpies are among the most intelligent family of birds recognized by modern science...

4. Magpies Recognize Themselves in Mirrors
European magpies have demonstrated the remarkable ability to recognize their own reflections in mirrors, something that was once thought to be a defining characteristic belonging only to humans...

...Scientists believe that self-awareness in birds & certain mammals may be an example of convergent evolution, in which unrelated species evolve particular characteristics through different means...

5. What is a Group of Magpies Called?
There are several names given to a group of magpies, but perhaps the most descriptive is ‘a parliament’. The birds have earned this title from often appearing in large groups in the spring, looking stately & cawing at each other.

6. To the End of the Tail
...While they share some similarities with their corvid family, the magpies possess an extremely long tail. In fact, a magpie’s tail is often roughly the same length as its entire body.

Why magpies have such long tails remains up for debate, but it may provide magpies with the ability to make swift turns while in the air. This would allow the birds to evade larger predators & make up for rather average flying abilities.”

Steve Williams
September 9/ 2017
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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