Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Oct. 11/2017

Meet These 4 Professional Library Cats

"Cats first became domesticated when came together with humans as a natural, very happy form of pest control. It was a mutually beneficial relationship, as cats had a constant supply of food, & humans didn’t have to worry about rats diminishing their grain stores.
in stores.

This relationship has been ongoing for thousands of years, & continues to this day. At some point... cats & humans decided they liked to spend time together off the rodent-eating clock as well. This bond is evident not only in daily life, but also in one of the longest-serving bases of human knowledge: the library.

Experts have traced the origins of cats living in libraries to ancient Egypt, where temples housed resident cats who took care of the rodents & snakes that would have otherwise destroyed the preserved papyrus scrolls.
This relationship continued through to the Middle Ages, when monks happily coexisted with cats in monasteries in order to keep their manuscripts safe...

In the 1800s, the British government even paid libraries to house cats...

...There are hundreds of library cats living around the world...

Now, however, many places pride themselves on the cats’ ability to keep customers relaxed, happy, & coming back to visit. They often serve the purpose of being excellent PR gurus, of course, mostly through looking adorable. While they still do their part in keeping the mice & rats at bay, most of these felines have begun to live a much more sedentary life.
And their primary responsibility is to be loved & appreciated...

Here are some of the modern day librarian cats, living out their happy lives as they receive attention, accolades &, sometimes, their very own chair.

1. Stacks, Litchfield Public Library, Illinois
Stacks was adopted in 2009 from a shelter, & she quickly set to work doing what her ancestors did: getting rid of the resident mice. Once she had done a thorough job, Stacks sat back, relaxed & settled into her new duties — namely, sitting on laps.

2. Trixie, Independence Public Library, Kansas

Trixie was dropped off in front of the Independence Public Library when she was just a kitten. The librarians took her in, & she’s been enjoying the spotlight ever since. Trixie even has her own Facebook page!

3. Miko, Texas A&M University Libraries, Texas

Miko has an official title at the Medical Sciences Library of Texas A&M University. She has been officially deemed the Pest Control Specialist. She is also...the libraries’ mascot & occasional model... 

4. Kuzya, Novorossiysk, Russia

Kuzya wandered into the warmth of a Russian library one day, rubbing up against people & winning hearts, food & a nice place to sleep. Seeing his potential, the staff worked to get him an actual cat passport...After that, he was good to go. Kuzya was promoted to assistant librarian, which earned him a certificate — & a bow tie to wear at work."

Laura Burge
July 2/2017

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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