Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21/2017

Vet Association Honours Oldest Known Dog & Cat in the Province

     “At 21 years old, Hortense the cat has far outlived her prescribed 9 lives.
     The spry Scottish Fold was awarded the title of Quebec’s oldest the veterinarian association that tends to small animals.
     The title of oldest dog went to Cachou, a 17 -year-old Yorkshire terrier who dozed through the Montreal ceremony in a tiny tuxedo.
     Veterinary association president Vaslerie Trudel said the winners may not be the oldest cat & dog in the province, but they were the oldest they could find with continuous vet records...
     She said Hortense would be about 120 years old in human age & Cachou would be about 100.
     Hortense’s owner, Suzanne Janlin, said her elderly cat is now blind but is otherwise in good shape, & still able to jump up on the bed.
     Janlin credited her cat’s longevity to good veterinary care & the feline’s easygoing outlook on life.
     ‘She lives well & doesn’t complicate her life,’ Janlin said as Hortense, a large tabby with her breed’s signature folded ears, sat quietly in her arms.
     Cachou, the little Yorkie, appeared equally unfazed by all the activity around him as he wandered around him as he wandered around the convention centre ahead of the ceremony.
     His owner, Josee Bibeau, said she has mixed emotions about her dog getting the award.  
    ‘It’s emotional because it’s a reminder that he has more years behind him than in front of him,’ she said...
     The veterinary association revealed the results of a survey that showed around 15% of cats in Quebec are seniors over the age of 12.
     The average age of a cat in Quebec is around 6 years, 7 months.”

The Canadian Press
in The Gazette, Montreal
April 22/2917

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle
I recently found out that a friend's beloved dog passed away in April. I used to dog sit Odie when his family took their summer holidays in Turkey & will always remember him as a happy, active, & lovable little guy. I'll miss him & our walks together RIP Odie.

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