Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jan. 11/2017

Study Finds Fish Can Recognize Our Faces

“...In a recent study, researchers found that there’s at least one fish species capable of recognizing individual human faces with a high rate of accuracy.

...a team of researchers from the University of Oxford & the University of Queensland found that archerfish can identify human faces after teaching them to choose one & spit at an image of it for a food reward.

According to the study, which was just published in Scientific Reports, when the fish were shown up to 44 new faces, they still picked the right one 81% of the time...

‘It has been hypothesized that this task is so difficult that it can only be accomplished by primates, which have a large & complex brain...we wanted to determine if another animal with a smaller & simpler brain, & with no evolutionary need to recognize human faces, was still able to do so,” Dr Cait Newport, lead author of the study & a Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Department of Zoology at Oxford University, said in a statement.

...Hopefully for fish, more knowledge on our part about how intelligent & aware they are will help us reconsider how we treat them...

They have long-term memories, recognize themselves & others, feel pain, can count, can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, play, develop traditions, form bonds with each other & learn from past experiences.

Fish have also been found to use tools & use different sides of their brains...Manta rays were also recently found to be the first fish to recognize themselves in a mirror, which is used as an indicator of self-awareness...

For more info on why we should rethink our relationship with fish, check out”

Alicia Graef
June 11/ 2016
Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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