Friday, October 7, 2016

Oct. 5/2016

Los Angeles City Officials Want Landlords to Be Pet Friendlier

“To help reduce the number of pets surrendered to shelters, the Los Angeles City Council has unanimously approved a proposal asking landlords to allow pets in rental properties.

...only about 40% of the city’s rental properties allow pets, according to the proposal introduced by Council member Paul Koretz. As a comparison, 98% of apartment communities in Denver accept cats, 93% allow small dogs & 66% allow large dogs...

New York City, West Hollywood & some other cities across the country already have laws that help renters keep their pets. These cities ‘understand the benefits of pet companionship, both for the sake of saving lives of shelter animals, as well as for enhancing the lives of the people adopting the pets,’ notes Koretz in his proposal.

More pet-friendly rental properties will ‘facilitate the creation of thousands of potential new ‘forever homes’ for L.A.’s shelter animals & animals adopted from rescue groups & other pet adoption agencies,’ Koretz writes...

As the first step in increasing the number of pet-friendly rental properties citywide, a task force comprised of the Los Angeles Dept. of Animal Services & the Housing & Community Investment Department will gather input from local tenant & landlord organizations. Within 6 months, the task force will make recommendations to the city council on programs & regulations that would increase pet adoptions by renters...

To educate (& hopefully enlighten) both landlords & tenants about their rights & responsibilities, Larry Gross, executive director of the Coalition for Economic Survival & vice president of the L.A. Board of Animal Services Commission, has organized a series of “Pets in Rental Housing” workshops.

‘If we are to achieve our goal of making L.A. a ‘No Kill’ city, finding homes for our shelter animals will mean many must be placed in apartments,’ he notes on the Coalition for Economic Survival’s Facebook page. an online list of websites with information about pet-friendly rental homes & apartments.”

Laura Goldman
February 16/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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