Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Approved panda-hug photos only please: Trudeau’s furry photo-op had a weirdly restrictive press policy

   “A nation- or at least its social media- was consumed by a prime minister cuddling some pandas Monday morning... 
   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stopped in at the Toronto Zoo to unveil the names of 2 panda cubs born there last October. The twins have been dubbed Jia Panpan, meaning Canadian Hope, & Jia Yueyue, meaning Canadian Joy. Trudeau got some hands-on time with the adorable black-&-white balls of fur as the zoo marked the occasion.

   Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne & Toronto Mayor John Tory both got their hands on the rare baby beasts...

   Trudeau, Wynne, & Tory all tweeted beaming pics holding cuddly balls of furry joy...
   A zoo official said the panda petting part of the day was intended to be private.
   Press photographers & videographers were... given a chance to shoot all 3 politicians ogling the cuddly cubs from a distance. Some used long lens to capture close-ups...”

Ashley Csanady
March 7/2016

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

He started off as a stray but soon captured our hearts & became my Tam's best outdoor buddy & then a part of the family.

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