Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner

Paradis Tables Animal-Rights Bill
           “Proposed Quebec legislation would impose heavy fines & jail time for serial animal abusers &go so far as to criminalize flushing live goldfish down the toilet.

           ‘If you have a goldfish you have to take care of it,’ said Quebec Agriculture Minister Pierre Paradis…

              The bill states that ‘animals are not things. They are sentient beings & have biological needs.’…

           ‘The biggest change (in the bill) is that up to now, an animal in Quebec is considered as a movable, like a piece of equipment…It goes from that to being a sentient being’.

           Paradis believes his bill will transform Quebec from the jurisdiction with some of the least strict animal-welfare rules in North America to one with some of the toughest.

           He said he was inspired by Manitoba, Ontario, & British Columbia, which he noted have the strongest animal-welfare laws in the country.

           The bill has separate rules for pet owners, farmers with livestock, owners of pet shops, or people who sell animal-based products such as furs.

           Pet owners ‘must ensure that the animal’s welfare & safety are not compromised,’ meaning domesticated animals have to receive ‘care that is consistent with (their) biological needs’…

           Farmers must guarantee that their animals are ‘treated with dignity as much as possible’ from the moment they are born to the day they are slaughtered…

           The legislation gives inspectors the power to demand to see an animal if they have ‘reasonable cause’ to suspect the pet is being mistreated. They can also obtain a warrant from a judge to enter a home & seize animals.

           First-time offenders face fines as low as $250 & as high as 250,000…Judges will have the discretion to sentence serial violators of the proposed law for up to 18 months.”

Giuseppe Valiante
In The Gazette, Montreal
June 6/2015
Cute Critter Pic
 Weekly Chuckle



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