Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner 

Blue Skies for Bald Eagles  

           “Once a rare sight in Quebec, bald eagles are thriving across the province, & the surge shows no sign of a slowdown as these magnificent raptors re-populate our river, lakes, & shorelines.

           Reduced to a mere half-dozen nesting birds in the 1970s, there are now more than 200 bald eagle nests producing offspring…

           At their peak, bald eagles may have once numbered in the thousands across Quebec- from Anticosti Island to Abitibi, & from the southern tip of James By to the waterways of southern Quebec, with the highest population along the St.- Lawrence & Ottawa Rivers…

           Researchers & bird enthusiasts…have found that since the 1970s, bald & golden eagle populations have been more than doubling every 10 years in Quebec…

           In the early 1970s, there were fewer than 10 known active nest sites in the entire province…In 1989, that number had climbed to approximately 30 nesting pairs.

           As of this year, researchers have confirmed 200 active nests…

           With more than 130,000 rivers & a million lakes in Quebec, there is no lack of nesting space available for Canada’s largest bird of prey. The birds like to set up nests near large bodies of water that act as a source of food, & prefer large, old trees…

           Eagles could eventually nest in Montreal. A few years ago, a pair nested on heron Island, in the Lachine Rapids.”

Robert J. Galbraith
The Gazette, Montreal
Aug. 9/2014

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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