Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner 
Why did the crow cross the road? Because it understood traffic: study

           “OTTAWA- Crows are smart…

           New findings in a science journal published in Ottawa show they can even navigate lanes of traffic on a busy road.

           This puts them ahead of supposedly smart mammals, such as deer, squirrel, & humans using cellphones.

           The study in the Canadian Field Naturalist says crows are highly unusual because they ‘can detect the directionality of oncoming vehicles on a road &, like humans, actively move out of the way or switch lanes to avoid death based on an understanding of the behavior of vehicular traffic’.

           Shomen Mukherjee is a biologist at Florida International University. He realized that good vision is part of the key…

           Mukherjee & his team drove a pickup truck along a 2- lane Florida state road at 80-90 kilometres an hour & watched for crows on the road.

           ‘Unsurprisingly, American Crows feeding in the same lane as the approaching vehicle always flew off’…

           ‘But interestingly, a significant proportion of American Crows in the opposite lane chose to remain on the road’…

           This showed that the crows are able to adapt to traffic & comprehend its ‘directionality’, understanding where cars posed a threat & where the road was safe…

           Wild species that adapt to living in cities are generally the ones that learn to take risks in feeding…

           ‘These traits have likely contributed to the success of American Crows in urban environments’.

           Mukherjee’s truck didn’t hit any crows.”

Tom Spears    
The Montreal Gazette       
Dec. 28/2013

Cute Critter Pic 

Weekly Chuckle

Canadian Links: 
International Fund for Animal Welfare: 

U.S. Links:
Humane Hollywood:



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