Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner

Where The Wild Things Are

           “OKAVANGO DELTA, BOTSWANA- I’m jolted from sleep by a deep & rolling roar & what sounds like the slithering paws of a large cat trawling through my cabin.

           ‘Oh my God, I think something’s in our room,’ I whisper, waking up my friend & roommate…

           …as we lay in our dreamy cabin in the great wilderness of Botswana’s Okavango Delta, we were truly snoozing where the wild things are.

           Finally I picked up the phone beside the bed…

           ‘Something is in our room, we need help,’ I stuttered… She alerted the safari staff on patrol. They discovered an elephant had been roaming around all night on the deck that lined the lodge perimeter…

           That drama-filled last night of our safari was a fitting end to what had been a week of pure magic & wonder.

           We landed in Botswana…after 48 hours with no sleep, traversing time zones on 2 back-to-back overnight flights & another 4 flights. The safari began as soon as we got to Pompom airport in Muan, Botswana. We jumped in a 4 by 4 after being greeted by 2 guides from our safari company…

           Minutes into driving deep into the savannah, we were shaken out of our bleariness by the sight of vervet monkeys swinging through tree tops, herds of impalas prancing by,
& graceful woodland kingfishers with fringed, bright blue wings sweeping through the cloudless sky…

           We drove through the vast expanse of sun-drenched land, sprinkled with acadia trees, bulbous baobab trees, & towering termite mounds, steering over & through bushes. We turned a corner & spotted a pride of 6 lions sprawled in the grass, lounging in the blistering afternoon sun in post-kill splendor. Their lolling yawns revealed formidable fangs & hinted at the hard work that goes into ruling such a fine kingdom… 
           The big cats are among more than 100 species of mammals & 400 species of birds that call the delta home. This diversity found amid the lily-speckled marshes, blue lagoons, & picturesque woodlands make this place, set along the banks of the Okavango River, one of Africa’s richest game-viewing destinations…

           A 5:30 AM wake up call began another day of exploring where zebras, hyenas, water buffalo, elephants, & giraffe coexist & roam free. We left the wilderness of the delta to head to Chobe National Park, the third-largest game park in Botswana & one that boasts one of the largest concentrations of game in Africa, including the biggest herds of elephants…Just after entering the gates into the lush terrain, we were greeted by a journey of giraffes munching on the acacia trees that dot the plains. Our guides imparted this interesting fact: As a defense mechanism, once the acacia foliage is torn by a forging giraffe, the plant emits an airborne gas, ethylene, alerting nearby plants to increase tannin production, which giraffes don’t like. The animals then move upwind to dine on plants that failed to catch the drift.

           …We jumped into a boat & cruised down the Okavango River, where we saw elephants frolicking in the water alongside their adorable offspring, glimpsed a hippo bobbing in & out of still water, & staked out a crocodile, hoping to see its jaw snap…”

Charmaine Noronha
The Montreal Gazette
Nov. 2/2013
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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