Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Jan. 29/2020


English Bulldog
All About Bulldogs
The English Bulldog is a small statured, medium-sized dog, & as its name suggests, it was originally bred for working with bulls… the Bulldog was trained & bred to fight bulls for sport, beginning in England in the 1200s & throughout Europe until the mid 1800s. …This once ferocious & tough dog, through careful & select breeding, has become today's docile & loving pet...
Breed Group: Companion Dogs Height: 12 to 15 inches Weight: 40 to 50 pounds Lifespan: 8 to 12 years.
The English Bulldog's low-slung, heavy, thick-set body, along with its broad shoulders, provides a low center of gravity, allowing the Bulldog to crawl close to the ground… The large circumference of the head is equal to the dog’s height at the shoulder, offering sufficient space for strong, developed muscles in the dog's wide jaw…The coat is glossy & fine, with standard colors including, red, white, yellow or a combination of these colors.
…Devoted, obedient & patient, without fail, the Bulldog has remained a favorite animal companion throughout the years. Always willing to please, the Bulldog yet preserves its own independent brand of stubbornness, keeping its own counsel once making up its mind to do so.

The Bulldog is highly appreciated for its patience & affection with children, making them excellent family pets… the breed is compatible with most household pets… the Bulldog is actually a comical, jovial, & charming animal.
Many Bulldogs tend to wheeze & snore, while some drool because of their short snouts & outward protruding lower jaw. These are normal physical side-effects of the breed. Because of the compressed nature of the jaw, extra care needs to be taken in keeping the teeth clean…Minimal coat care is needed for this dog, but the folds around the tail & facial wrinkles should be cleaned every day to prevent build up of dirt or rubbish…

Bulldogs love their daily outings, however, do not expect them to walk or jog long distances, or dart from great heights. The short-hair & snout of the Bulldog make it sensitive to extremely hot & humid climates, & most do not enjoy swimming. Using sun screen lotion on the dog's skin if you are going to be spending time in the sun, & making sure your Bulldog has plenty of water is essential for healthy days out.
The average lifespan for an English Bulldog is between 8 & 12 years. It is a member of the brachycephalic breed class, meaning that is has a short head & snout… The nostrils are narrower, & the soft palate longer in the Bulldog…creating the potential for severe breathing problems, especially when the dog is overheated or over excited. Heat is a special concern with this breed, since it is not able to cool itself efficiently through panting, as other breeds do…
…First bred in England as a cross between the pug & the mastiff, the Bulldog's main purpose was as an entertainment dog in the sport of bull-baiting, a popular game during the Middle Ages -- from the 1200s through the mid 1800s…

After bull baiting was banned in 1835, a new chapter began for the Bulldog. Although the Bulldog lost much of its popularity because of the end of the fighting, there were still those who appreciated the breed for its devotion & fortitude. Ardent Bulldog enthusiasts rescued the breed from what appeared certain extinction, encouraging its most attractive physical & characteristic features, while replacing its ferociousness with a gentle & docile disposition…

Today, with its clownish & amiable personality, it has also become a favorite among American pet owners, & a favorite of institutions throughout the world, who use the Bulldog as a mascot to denote their own strength in the face of adversity & battle…”

Cute Critter Pic:

Weekly Chuckle:

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