Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Feb. 5/2020

Pet Projects
     "...a growing trend is to live in tiny homes...let's say you have a furry friend who needs to join you in your personal compact castle. You've got to be sure their well-being is taken care of before making any moving decisions.

     ...Humans usually have designated eating areas in the form of a kitchen table; animals should have something similar. A regular spot for food bowls should be established early. If you have more than one dog, or a combination of critters, try to feed them either at different times or in separate parts of the house to keep them from getting territorial about food.
     If you have an indoor cat, consider getting a's a patio for your cat that is screened in so the feline can get some fresh air while not being able to take off after the first robin it lays eyes on. That little bit of freedom makes a big difference when you're just a tiny kitten in a tiny house.

     Make sure your pets are getting enough exercise. Staying inside a tiny home all day isn't good for animals, or humans for that matter. Walk the dogs often, play fetch with them, teach them new tricks out in the yard & let them run to their heart's content.

     ...If you & the cat are willing to be the types who use leaches, then that should take care of all the energy a cat can muster up in one day. If not, then try to find a cat tree that will fit inside so they can jump around indoors on something specifically built to withstand claws, instead of your new couch.

     ...Remember your pets are likely not trained to pick up their own toys, so keep them in one spot & put them back each night. Also, vacuum. A lot. There is nowhere for all that hair to go when you're in a tiny house."

Chris Arnold
The Gazette, Montreal
Nov. 2/2019
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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