Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 ...Amazing Animal Traits

Elephants can smell water up to 3 miles away. They live in matriarchal societies with strong social bonds...

Hummingbirds have wings that beat up to 200 times a second. They are also the only birds able to hover, & they can fly backwards & even upside down!

...Each dolphin has a uniquely identifying signature whistle...
Dolphin clicks are among the loudest sounds made by marine animals. Although they lack vocal cords, these sounds are produced using 6 air sacs near their blowholes.

A dog can... hear sounds 4 times farther away than humans. Dogs have a sense of smell ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 times more sensitive than a human’s... 

Rabbits can see behind themselves without turning their head. Free-living rabbits live around 10 years, while domesticated rabbits can live to 16 years, & the longest on record is 18 years...

Cows... have almost total 360-degree panoramic vision. They also have an excellent sense of smell & are able to detect odors 5-6 miles away...
The oldest cow on record, Big Bertha, was born in Ireland, & died 3 months shy of her 49th birthday. An average cow‘s natural lifespan is 20-25 years...

Horses have the unusual trait of being able to sleep both standing up & lying down. The oldest horse on record was “Old Billy.” Born in England in 1760, he lived to the age of 62!

Chickens have a complex language all of their own...They also have great memories & can differentiate between over 100 different faces (of their fellow chickens)...

Mice are remarkably adaptable to almost any environment, making them one of the most successful mammals living on Earth today...

Galapagos Tortoises
The Galapagos tortoise has a potential life span of over 175 years...

Male seahorses produce offspring. The female seahorse deposits eggs into a pouch on the male, who carries them through gestation & births them...

Bald eagles
The bald eagle can swim! They use an overhand movement of the wings that is similar to the butterfly stroke...

Sheep are known to self-medicate when they are ill, eating specific plants that can cure them. Sheep have very good memories... 

Rats like playing collectively & love to sleep curled up together. They often share parenting responsibilities & take care of any injured or sick rats in their group.

Ducks have waterproof feathers... There is a special gland near their tails to produce oil that spreads & covers the outer feathers. Beneath the outer coat is a layer of fluffy & soft feathers (down) that keeps them warm...

Whales are cetaceans...& are descendants of land-dwelling mammals...whales breathe air, are warm-blooded, nurse their young with milk from mammary glands, & have body hair.

Each cat nose pad is unique, similar to fingerprints in humans.
They can also have a litter of kittens fathered by more than one male...”

Alisa Rutherford-Fortunati

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

Special Mentions
My Girls Lola & Sage had their birthdays (anniversaries actually) this week.
Sage turned 5 years old on July 19th & Lola hit the big 10 today (July 20th).
Happy Birthday to My Favorite Girls!!!


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