Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Jan. 27/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Slain French Dog ‘Diesel’ To Be Awarded Medal For Gallantry

   “A French police dog named Diesel, who died during an apartment raid targeting Abdelhamid Abaaoud, alleged mastermind of the November 13 Paris attacks, will receive a posthumous medal of honor for her bravery. 

   The honor comes from the U.K.’s leading veterinary charity, People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, (PDSA), which will award Diesel the Dickin Medal, recognized as the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross... 

   ‘Diesel is a truly deserving recipient. His gallant actions helped to protect human life in the face of imminent danger,’ PDSA Director General Jan McLoughlin said in a statement.  
   Note: Diesel was actually a female dog...

   Diesel, a 7-year-old Belgian Malinois, served with the French National Research, Assistance, Intervention & Deterrence special anti-terrorism force (RAID).  

   ‘When news emerged of Diesel’s death there was a huge outpouring of grief,’ said McLoughlin... 

   PDSA said the award is the highest animal honor in the world. ‘The PDSA Dickin Medal recognises conspicuous devotion to duty in the theatre of conflict & Diesel is a truly deserving recipient...His gallant actions helped to protect human life in the face of imminent danger & we are very proud to honour him in this way.’

   The medal was introduced by PDSA founder Maria Dickin in 1943; since then it has been awarded to 30 dogs (including Diesel), 32 World War II messenger pigeons, 3 horses, & one cat...” 

Judy M.
Jan. 3/2016

 Cute Critter Pic 
Weekly Chuckle


Peanut RIP 
Jan. 31/1997
What a little much fun. Peanut never got a chance to grow up...he left us way too soon.


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