Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jan. 20/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 5 Expert Tips for Winter Dog Walks

 “Winter weather can make it difficult to get your dog out for walks, particularly if you live where ice, snow, &  freezing winds are the norm. But skimping on winter walks can have a negative impact on your dog’s behavior... 
Here are 5 of my favorite tips for making winter walks manageable for you & your dog. 

Dress Yourself First
... Gloves with some traction will make it easier for you grip the leash. You might consider a thinner pair of gloves...that can allow you to easily deliver treats, pick up after your pooch, & hold the leash...  

Bundle Up Your Pup 
Most dogs can comfortably be walked out in the cold for short periods of time, but some canines need additional help staying warm. Most dogs benefit from a jacket, but it’s an especially important consideration for puppies, elderly dogs, smaller breeds & hairless or shorter-haired dogs, who may have a harder time staying warm. Choose a jacket or vest built for the cold & for repelling moisture...

Keep Fido’s Feet Warm
Protect paws with dog booties. In the winter, paws can be at risk from deicers used on the ground — many salts & ice melters are toxic to dogs — & from freezing temperatures... Look for booties with secure traction on the bottom & Velcro straps that snugly hold them in place...

Protect Bare Paws, Too 
If your pet simply won’t tolerate booties, bare paws can be given additional protection by using pet-safe gels. You can also use petroleum jelly...

Choose an Effective Leash
...a front clip harness is ideal to minimize pulling while you train your dog. Use a solid leash, not a retractable one, for better control. Another option is a jogger leash that goes around your waist & attaches to the dog’s collar...”

Mikkel Becker

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Weekly Chuckle

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