Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jan. 13/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Snowy White Owls Enjoying The Menu At Trudeau Airport
    “Seen a snowy white owl lately?

   These feathered refugees from up north are increasingly flocking to the big city in search of food & a better life than what’s currently available in the Arctic tundra & elsewhere.

    By now, millions of Internet users around the globe have likely seen the photo of the magnificent white owl captured in full flight by a Transport Quebec traffic camera in the West Island.

    The photo went viral this week after it was tweeted by Quebec Transport Minister Robert Poeti...   ...says there has been a spike in the snowy white owl population in recent years...

    The snowy owl’s airport menu includes small rodents like mice & rabbits, & anything else that catches their prying eye.

    ‘It’s like a buffet for them,’ Molina said. ‘The habitat there makes it very attractive just because of the airport lights & short grass.’

    'Because they’re kind of a stubborn bird, a predator at the top of the bird food chain, they just adapt to what we throw at them.’

      The most effective way of managing snowy owls at the airport is to capture them & relocate them hundreds of kilometres away...

      Until the traffic cam owl photo went viral, the most popular snowy owl in Montreal might have been Casper, the one-winged star at the Ecomuseum in Ste.-Anne-de-Bellevue.

      An all-white male who lost a wing after he was hit by a car, Casper has been a fixture at the Ecomuseum for decades, said zookeeper Nicola Fleming.

      'He’s got these big yellow eyes. He’s very relaxed. People are struck by how beautiful he is...

      'There’s a lot wildlife hiding in plain sight because people don’t think to watch for it. It’s there.’”

John Meagher
Montreal Gazette

Jan. 9/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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