Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dec. 28/2016

Can’t Have a Dog or Cat? 5 Pets to Consider Adopting

Bunnies are generally cuddly, friendly, & adorable...Bunnies often bond closely with their owners, recognize their owners’ voices, & will come on command, writes Dr. Laurie Hess, who specializes in treating exotic animals...They are usually quite clean & trainable & should live indoors but spend a couple hours outside each day so they can be exposed to sunlight... Rabbits may live a long time- 8 to 12 years or more...

Guinea Pigs
...Caring for a guinea pig properly & feeding him well helps him stay hardy & healthy, writes Dr. Hess. Guinea pigs are best kept indoors & need clean water, hay, fresh vegetables, & food pellets to ensure they get the vitamin C they need daily...These typically friendly pets... can live 5 to 7 years &, like bunnies, they can have a lot of personality...
...hedgehogs aren’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to spend quality time interacting with & socializing one, he will hopefully reward you by bonding with you & responding to your voice & presence...hedgehogs are prickly so you have to be careful about how & when you pick them up. These guys curl up into a tight little ball when they’re scared.

Owners need to handle them gently & often to help them to relax & uncurl, showing off their tiny faces... Hedgehogs are night owls... They vocalize with grunts, squeals, snorts, & snuffling sounds...
...Many ferrets are snuggly, playful, & entertaining members of the family & can be wonderful for people who have the time to get them out of their cages each day & interact with them...Ferrets like to dig & chew on everything, & they have a habit of hiding items in secret locations. Many ferret owners end up getting more than one of these social little animals to ensure their pet has a buddy...
...Birds like parrots, canaries, & finches tend to be beautiful & very intelligent. Owning one of these birds requires a lot of time & cares...Many birds like to chew on whatever they can find, & medium-to-large sized birds need to spend at least a couple of hours outside of their cages each day while being supervised & interacting with their owners... birds can make wonderful pets — some of whom can live for dozens of years."

Amy Sinatra Ayres  (
May 6/2016

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Sweet Ted RIP

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Dec. 21/2016

Hooked on Penguins
“...Since embarking on my penguin quest years ago, I have witnessed 4 species in the wild...I have seen little blue, or fairy penguins in Australia & New Zealand; Humboldt penguins in Patagonia; & African penguins in Nambia...

     ...The Falkland Islands has 5 species & more than a million penguins, including the world’s largest breeding population of gentoos & nearly 40% of the world’s southern rockhopper population. The birds inhabit beaches, craggy cliffs, heathland & coastal grasslands, all within reasonable reach

     ...The penguin breeding season coincides with the tourist invasion. Both occur during the Southern hemisphere’s late spring & summer months...During this period, the archipelago transforms into a giant maternity ward...

     The adults lay & incubate their eggs. Chicks hatch. The weeks-old fledglings gather in protective creches while their parents forage for food in the ocean. The youngsters wait for dinner, vocalizing their hunger & impatience- loudly.

     2 species-gentoo & king- inhabit the Falklands year-round.

     The southern rockhopper, Magellanic & macaroni are seasonal guests. When the weather starts to cool, they depart for waters up the South American coast & around South Georgia Island & Antarctica. But even in the off-season, penguins outnumber the humans...

     The Falklands’ largest colony of king penguins-about 1,000 adults & 500 chicks- resides at Volunteer Point, a toe of land 3 hours from Stanley...

     Kings, the second-largest penguin after the emperor, are indeed stunning. They are statuesque & look haute couture in velvety black hoods splashed with citrus colors...At 3 feet tall...& weighing 35 lbs., they are the size of a 3 yr. old...

      Of the 5 species, the macaroni is the most elusive. It doesn’t even appear on a local map highlighting wildlife-viewing sites. According to Falklands Conservation, about 2 dozen breeding pairs nest among the rockhoppers, which look like macaroni’s runtier twin. both are crested penguins with plumes that spring from their heads like streamers. Experts differentiate the 2 by location & color of the feathers & the size & hue of the beak. Macaronis are also huskier & have a unibrow....”

Andrea Sachs
Washington Post
in The Gazette, Montreal
Oct. 1/2016

Cute Critter Christmas Pics

Weekly Chuckles

Merry Christmas To All!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dec. 14/2016

10 Surprising Facts About Turtles

“...1. Turtles have been on Earth for over 200 million years.
...Turtles... are one of the oldest & most primitive groups of reptiles on the planet.

2. You can identify males & females by the sounds they make.
...typically the males will grunt & the females hiss, especially during mating.

3. They can breathe through their skin.
...a turtle’s shell prevents them from breathing like most animals whose lungs can expand. Instead, turtles have specific muscles to pull the body organs away from the lungs in order to fill them with oxygen.

4. Turtles live on every continent except Antarctica.
...The smallest is the American bog turtle at a mature size of 7-10 cm long. The largest are leatherback sea turtles that can reach 2.5 m long & weigh up to 2,000 lbs..

5. Female turtles can store sperm for up to 4 years after mating.
After a single mating, female turtles may keep sperm in specialized areas in their bodies & be able to lay fertilized eggs for many years...

6. Certain species can live over 100 years.
...For Galapagos tortoises, 80 yrs. old is considered middle-aged...Turtles typically reach full size in their first 10 years...

7. A turtle’s shell is made of 60 separate bones connected together.
Each of these bone plates is covered by... scutes... The pigment melanin is also present in scutes, which contributes to the intricate designs & colors in some species...

8. They can drown.
One deep breath can last a turtle for several hours, & some freshwater turtles can stay underwater for many days...

9. Turtles see colors.
...turtles have good eyesight & are particularly sensitive to the color red...

10. The temperature of a sea turtle nest determines the gender of the hatchlings.
More female hatchlings will be produced during warmer temperatures, & more males during cooler temperatures...”

Zoe Blarowski
May 23/2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dec. 7/2016

There’s a Place in Hawaii Where You Can Cuddle With 500 Cats

“...The Lanai Cat Sanctuary houses 495 cats — all living the good life you always wish you did. The felines live outside of cages in 2 acres of lush green landscape with access to running fresh water. They climb trees, chase butterflies, nap on the grass, & play with the visiting humans.

‘It all began with sterilizing Lanai’s street cats in 2004 followed by sheltering them in a horse stable in the mountain community of Koele,’ explains the sanctuary’s website. ‘It was just a small committed group of cat lovers trying to do the right thing on an island without any animal shelters, rescue groups or veterinarians.’

Lanai is one of the most isolated islands in the United States & a local veterinarian is still nonexistent so the sanctuary flies one from Oahu every month to look at the animals.

The island has 3,000 residents, most of which work at its 2 luxury resorts, 4 at the sanctuary as care takers. In the remote location, the cat sanctuary has become an attraction for those visiting. People can stop by daily between 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. & just hang out. There’s no admission fee, though a donation to keep the project going is encouraged.

The same system works for adoptions. If any of the visitors falls in love with one of the kitties – like Sir Purrsalot, a 7 year old domestic short hair, or Butterfinger, an orange tabby who loves hugs — they don’t have to pay a fee to bring them home but a donation is appreciated since the sanctuary survives thrives through them.

... there are other sanctuaries around the United States that have a similar set up. The Cat House on the Kings in California is the state’s largest no-cage, no-kill, lifetime cat sanctuary, & adoption center. It currently houses 700 cats & kittens, a dozen dogs, & some peacocks.
In Robinsville, N.C., the Cat Ranch Sanctuary gives lifetime care to unadoptable,abandoned, abused, & special needs cats. The fenced in 2 acres allows the resident cats to roam & smell the mountain air & take shelter in a 2-story kitty condo that’s heated in the winter & has fans during the summer.

Further south in Palm City, Fla., Domino’s Cat Rescue League allows resident adoptable cats to have an entire house for themselves. Rooms have been catified for their enjoyment & a fenced in yard has towers that give them a “bird’s eye view” of their kingdom...”

Natalia Lima
August 16/2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Edna Belle Wiltzen Dec. 7/1996
I love you & miss you so much.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nov. 30/2016

Penguin the Magpie Helps a Family Heal

“A tragic accident in 2013 led to the dreaded diagnosis: “She’ll never walk again.” Sam Bloom was left paralyzed after a fall from a balcony in Thailand.

Bloom & her family were devastated...

But then the Blooms stumbled upon Penguin.

Sam’s son Noah discovered the Australian magpie chick on his grandmother’s lawn... the family surmised that the wind blew Penguin from her nest. Without question, they took her in. It was to be a temporary arrangement.

Penguin grew strong from attentive care that included hand-feeding. When she became old enough to fly, the Blooms made no effort to contain Penguin. She was free to come & go as she wished...

But Penguin decided to stick around. She became a regular presence at meals & playtime — just another family member.

Penguin often nuzzles up to the boys in bed, playfully tugging a strand of hair or doling out “love bites.” And she’s not above naughty bird antics like stealing a snack from the kitchen.

...With each new joy brought on by the magpie’s curiosity, Sam’s spirits seemed to brighten. Her husband Cameron explains, “Penguin saved our family too.”

He tells Business Insider Australia, “She’s a great companion for Sam. Penguin was trying to find her feet & Sam was going through a deep depression. They both were broken. It created a nice bond.”

But that’s not to say Penguin or Sam have lost their independence. Sam, fit & active before the accident, has now taken up kayaking...

The Bloom family plans to publish a book this spring – “Penguin Bloom: The Odd Little Bird Who Saved a Family” – chronicling their time with Penguin. A portion of the proceeds will go to SpinalCure Australia to fund spinal cord injury research.”

Joanna Parkman
March 16/ 2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nov. 23/2016

5 Fascinating Facts About Polar Bears

“...1. They’re the largest predator in North America.
With male polar bears growing up to 11 feet tall & over 1500 pounds, the polar bear is currently the largest land predator in North America. What makes this fact even more amazing is the rodent-like size of a newborn polar bear, typically weighing around one pound... a polar bear can double the size of a man in one year if they have ample food sources & a safe growing environment.

2. Their coats provide 3 types of insulation.
Polar bears are not actually white. Instead, their coats are transparent &...designed to reflect light. This helps the mammal camouflage & contain heat...beneath their bright coats, their skin is black. This pigmentation attracts & traps much-needed heat. When combined with the 4 inch layer of blubber underneath their dark skin, polar bears have a 3 step heating system that allows them to experience almost no heat loss...
3. Their livers are specially designed to process vitamin A.
A polar bear liver is...designed to consume an extremely high fat diet from the bear’s main food source—seals... Because a seal’s blubber contains a large store of vitamin A, so does the polar bear’s liver, which contains roughly 10 times more vitamin A than any other mammal on earth. The average polar bear needs about 75 seals per year to survive, & each bear can consume up to 100 pounds of food per feeding!

4. They could offer the answer to heart disease.
Because polar bears consume such an outrageous amount of fat & can lose & gain dramatic amounts of weight without any negative health repercussions, scientists are studying what they call the bear’s “heart attack diet” to see if they can find a cure for heart disease.

5. They have only one predator.
...the polar bear has only one natural predator: man. Despite this, their numbers are declining &... they are considered ‘vulnerable.’..."

Zoe Eisenberg
Feb. 26/2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Nov. 16/2016

Why Do Cats Follow You Into the Bathroom?
“They ignore you when you want to pet them, they don’t really care for games...but make your way to the bathroom & cats are all over you.

If you close the door behind you, a paw will most likely peek under it in protest. The cat wants in...

This puzzling feline behavior has been a mystery to cat owners in search of privacy, & while there are no concrete answers, there are some theories.

They‘re all about that open door policy
Odds are when you go to the bathroom, you close the door leaving your cat to wonder what’s going on back there. It is part of their territory & so they like to be able to know that it’s all clear & there are no looming threats there. They usually go in & out of the bathroom if they want to, but closing that door prohibits them from doing so – & we all know how cats feel about not getting their way.

They just want some quality time

Dr. Justine A. Lee, DVM suggests that cats follow you into the bathroom because they know you have nothing else going on... They know as they request to be petted that they’re likely to get that affection because you can’t go anywhere — at least not for a few minutes.

The are watching you — closely
Another theory is that the bathroom offers a unique structure with a sink that puts the cat at eye level with its human as they sit on the toilet. This allows them to be the center of attention & feel like they’re in control of the interaction.

They‘re mimicking your routine

Cats are creatures of habit & will pick up on their human’s habits too, following their routine. Going to the bathroom is usually part of the human routine...& cats will incorporate that step into their routine as well.

They don‘t care about your privacy
Cats don’t want you staring at them while the use the litter box or eat...but they don’t understand that you feel the same way. Perhaps it’s the way you are always staring at them while they use the litter box, eat, sleep or play that gave them that impression, or maybe they just love you that much & can’t imagine you would ever want to be away from their fabulous selves...”

Natalia Lima
May 28/ 2016

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Weekly Chuckle

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Nov. 9/2016

Male Pup the Second Walrus Born at Aquarium

  “The Quebec City aquarium is celebrating the birth of another baby walrus.

     A male pup was born...Sunday & aquarium staff reported that mother & baby are doing fine.

     2 weeks ago, the aquarium announced the birth of another baby pup, marking only the 7th walrus born in captivity in North America since 1930.

     Sunday’s birth brings that total to 8.

     ‘It’s been quite a hectic month,’ said Jill Marvin, director of conservation & animal care at Aquarium du Quebec.

     The walrus named Arnaliaq gave birth to a female pup 2 weeks ago, while Samka gave birth to a healthy male on the weekend. Boris is the father of both pups...

     'The babies nurse for 1.5 years...They’re milk-aholics.’...

     The new male pup weighs 66 kg, or 145 lbs. , while the 2 week-old female pup is a healthy 62 kilos (136 lbs.), said Marvin.

     'It’s great we’ve got these baby walruses, which are going t6o attract a lot of attention here at the aquarium. It’s going to give us an opportunity to talk about this species in the wild,’ she said...”

John Meagher
May 25/2016
The Gazette, Montreal

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Suzie Q. (Nov. 14/2001) RIP

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nov. 2/2016

How Therapy Chickens Are Helping Patients With Anxiety

 “We usually associate therapy animals with being dogs, but many other animals — horses, cats, rabbits & even chickens — can provide assistance with mental & physical health.
Mountain House, a Santa Barbara-based adult residential facility, has recently implemented a program that uses chickens to help comfort their patients who have been diagnosed with mental illness & high anxiety...
Each patient gets a stipend so they can properly care for the chickens every day. On average, the patients spend about an hour & a half taking care of & spending time with the chickens...
Mountain House isn’t the only organization that has incorporated a poultry therapy program on its grounds. Chickens are becoming more common as therapy animals. Organizations have used chickens to provide companionship to the elderly & kids with autism.

 ...there is evidence that chickens have high intelligence & can easily create personal bonds with humans. In 2013, a study out of the University of Bristol found that chickens can outperform human toddlers in certain intelligence tests.

Chickens also have their very own means of communication. Each sound means something different in 'chicken language' & researchers have identified up to 30 different types of vocalizations, which include alarm calls if a predator is near, calls for their young, & calls for when food is around. In addition... they are able to recognize up to 100 different individuals, which include humans. They also have their own societal class system.

The intelligence of chickens goes far beyond problem solving. They exhibit emotional intelligence traits that are surprisingly human-like. Chickens enjoy playing & exercising. Mother hens...will actually “talk” to her chicks when they are inside the egg.

...chickens are smart, empathetic, emotional creatures that are easy for humans to bond with.”

Lindsay Patton

August 17/ 2016

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Minette- Nov. 3/2012 Adrian's cat passed away after battling diabetes. You were a good'in. RIP

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oct. 26/2016

5 Amazing Animals That Glow in the Dark

 “ are only a handful of the hundreds of incredible glow-in-the dark animals out there.

 1. Swell shark
The world of the Pacific Ocean’s swell shark looks very different from ours. While humans see in 3 colors — red, green & blue – descending into the deep ocean cuts out all but blue darkness...Swell sharks are among the few bioluminescent sharks that turn themselves green to be seen...

2. Vampire squid
Contrary to its name, the vampire squid is actually an ancient form of deep-sea cephalopod. The creature lives more than 600 feet below the ocean’s surface & squirts a glow-in-the dark mucous, instead of ink, when threatened...

3. Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Last year, scientists diving around the Solomon Islands came across an endangered Hawksbill sea turtle glowing neon green & red. As National Geographic notes, the turtle was the first reptile ever found with the ‘ability to reflect the blue light hitting a surface & re-emit it as a different color.’...

4. Glowing cockroach
...While luminescence is rare in land animals, more than a dozen beetles glow, including this lit-up cockroach. Luchihormetica luckae was collected more than 70 years ago near Ecuador volcano Tungurahua. In 2013, scientists listed the roach among their top newly discovered species...

5. Glowworm
The glowworm’s other commonly used name — fungus gnat — betrays the beauty that these insects create in New Zealand caves. Because adult glowworms don’t have digestive systems — &, thus, can’t eat — they only live for a few days. Meanwhile, larvae emit a light & use silk  ‘fishing lines’ to capture insects to feed upon.”

Emily Zak
April 28/ 2016

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Happy Howl'oween!